How Thou Bring the Dead Back References


Prophet Abraham said to Allah to show him how He will bring the dead back to life.  God questioned whether Abraham had faith in that.  Abraham replied that he believed but wanted that peace of mind which is gained by actual experience. Allah said, "Well, take four birds and tame them with yourself and then (cut them into pieces) and place a piece of each of them on each hill.  Then call them and they will come running to you; know this for certain that Allah is All-powerful, All-Wise."


References Al-Baqarah 2:260


Call to mind the other event also, when Abraham said, "My Lord, show me how Thou bringest the dead back to life?"  He said, "Have you no faith in this?" Abraham humbly replied, "I do believe but I ask this to reassure my heart." EN:296 Allah said, "Well, take four birds and tame them with yourself and then (cut them into pieces) and place a piece of each of them on each hill.  Then call them and they will come running to you; know this for certain that Allah is All-powerful, All-Wise."EN2:297 2:260


EN2:296 That is, "I want that peace of mind which is gained by actual experience."


EN2:297 Allah is able to do everything He wills.  Moreover, Allah's dealings with His Prophets are of an extraordinary nature; for an ordinary believer does not need of see actually the Reality with his own eyes for the performance of his duties but it is essential for the mission of a Prophet that he should see with his own eyes those realities towards which he has to invite the people.  The Prophets has to tell with full conviction: "we have seen with our own eyes those realities about which your knowledge is based on mere guess-work.  You are ignorant but we possess knowledge; you are blind, but We possess sight."  That is why the angels came to them in person so that they should see them with their own eyes.  They were also shown the actual system of the heavens and the earth, and the Paradise and the Hell and resurrection after death.  Though the Prophets believed in all these things even before their appointment as Messengers, they were made witness of the realities after their appointment as a special favor and distinction of the prophethood.