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| | Al-Hijr | Pre Ayat ← 2 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Quran is guarded | | → Next Ruku|
Translation: The time is not far when the same people who have today refused to accept (the Message of Islam) will regret and say, "we wish we had surrendered to it!"
Translit: Rubama yawaddu allatheena kafaroo law kanoo muslimeena
0 RubamaRubama
1 yawadduyawaddu
2 allatheena | ٱلَّذِينَ | that (pl.) Combined Particles allathiyna
3 kafarookafaruw
4 law | لَوْ | if (as a rule, introducing hypothetical conditional clauses) |conj.| Combined Particles
5 kanoo كَانُوا | were Kana Perfectkanuw
6 muslimeenamuslimiyna
| | Al-Hijr | Pre Ayat ← 3 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Quran is guarded | | → Next Ruku|
Translation: Leave them alone to eat, drink and be merry and to be deluded by false hopes. They will soon realize it.
Translit: Tharhum yakuloo wayatamattaAAoo wayulhihimu alamalu fasawfa yaAAlamoona
0 TharhumTharhum
1 yakulooyakuluw
2 wayatamattaAAooyatamatta`
3 wayulhihimuyulhihi
4 alamalualamalu
5 fasawfasaw
6 yaAAlamoonaya`lamuwna