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|j|m|`|ج|م|ع| Active past Verb I

tense type: 1 | ج | م | ع| Active Past Verb I
| نَصَرهُ Tense Alone
jama` جَمَعnaSarنَصَر
Translation: | | helped | Tense with its Particle
wama jama` وَمَا جَمَعwama naSar | وَمَا نَصَرwama | وَمَا
Translation: or | | helped |Tense with Pronoun
jama`hu | جَمَعهُnaSarhu
Translation: | | helped | himhu | him | masc. | sing. Tense with its Particle and Pronoun
wama jama`hu | وَمَا جَمَعهُwama | naSarhu | وَمَا نَصَرهُwama | وَمَا
Translation: or | | has helped | himhu | him | masc. | sing.
Regular Verbs List
| عمج Pronoun | he | ضمير | هُوَ| Number | sing. عدد | واحِد | Gender | masc. | جنس | مذكّر | | Person: | 3rd. person | غاىٔب |
جَمَع jama`