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Regular Verbs List

Root: |S|f|H|ص|ف|ح| Active Past Verb I | Bab naSara (n) | (ن) باب (a-u)

| ص | ف | ح| Active Past Verb I
| نَصَرَتْهُ Tense Alone
SafaHat صَفَحَتْnaSaratنَصَرَتْ
Translation: | she | heard | Tense with its Particle
ma SafaHat مَا صَفَحَتْma naSarat | مَا نَصَرَتْma | مَا
Translation: | she | did not | hear |Tense with Pronoun
SafaHathu | صَفَحَتْهُnaSarathu
Translation: | she | heard | himathu | him | masc. | sing. Tense with its Particle and Pronoun
ma SafaHathu | مَا صَفَحَتْهُma | naSarathu | مَا نَصَرَتْهُma | مَا
Translation: | she | did not | hear | himathu | him | masc. | sing.
Regular Verbs List
| صفح Pronoun | she | ضمير | هِيَ| Number | sing. عدد | واحِد | Gender | fem. | جنس | مؤنّث | | Person: | 3rd. person | غاىٔب |
صَفَحَت SafaHat