Database Connection
Declension of the Nouns
Function RESULT11
Function Result12
Function Result13
Function RESULT33
Function Result_No
Sentences db
Regular Verbs List
1. Noun
2. Verb
3. Particle
4. Tajweed
5. Grammar
6. Sentences
7. Derived Nouns
Active Past
Active Present
Active Subjunctive
Active Jussive
Active Emphatic I
Active Emphatic II
Passive Past
Passive Present
Passive Subjunctive
Passive Jussive
Passive Emphatic I
Passive Emphatic II
Active Imperative
Passive Imperative
Active Participle
Passive Participle
Verbal Noun
Adverbs of Place
Adverbs of Time
Nouns of Instrument
Explore Grammar
1. Adjective Patterns
2. Mabniy Zuruwf
3. Demonstrative Pronoun - Distant
4. Possessive Pronouns
5. Demonstrative Pronoun - Proximity
6. Particles
7. Stopping Signs
8. Object Pronouns
9. Subject Pronouns
10. Perfect Tense Suffixes
11. Imperfect Tense Suffixes
12. Subjunctive Imperfect Suffixes
13. Jussive Imperfect Suffixes
Verb Types
1. Nouns of Place
2. Nouns of Instrument
3.Verb I - Duplicated Radicals - Active Perfect Tense [1]
4. Duplicated Radicals - Active Imperfect Tense [2]
5. Verb I - Duplicated Radicals - Passive Perfect Tense [7]
6. Verb I - Duplicated Radicals - Passive Imperfect [8]
7. Hamzated - Type I (First)
8. Hollow Verbs - Type I (w) Active Perfect
9. Hollow Verbs - Type I (w) Passive Imperfect [8]
10. Hollow Verbs - Type II (y) Active Perfect [1]
11. Hollow Verb - Type II (y) - Active Imperfect [2]
12. Hollow Verb - Type I (w) - Active Imperfect [2]
13. Assimilated Verb - Type I - Active Perfect [1]
14. Assimilated Verb - Type I - Active Imperfect [2]
15. Assimilated Verb - Type I - Passive Imperfect [8]
16. Verb II - Active Participle
17. Verb II - Active Perfect [1]
18. Verb II - Active Participle
19. Verb III - Active Perfect [1]
20. Verb III - Active Participle
21. Verb III - Passive Participle
22. Verb III - Verbal Noun
23. Verb IV - Active Perfect [1]
24. Verb IV - Active Participle
25. Verb IV - Passive Participle
26. Verb IV - Verbal Noun
27. Verb V - Active Perfect [1]
28. Verb V - Active Participle
29. Verb V - Passive Participle
30. Verb V - Verbal Noun
31. Verb VI - Active Perfect [1]
32. Verb VI - Active Participle
33. Verb VI - Passive Participle
34. Verb VI - Verbal Noun
Internal Resources
1. Istalahat
2. Ascend in Tajweed
3. Lectures List
4. Alphabets
5. Practice Ayats
6. Madd (Elongation)
7. Qalqalah (Bouncing)
8. Noon Sakinah
9. Contracted Letters
10. Radicals List
11. Quran
12. Hadeeth
External Resources
Lutfur Rahman Khan آسَان اُردو گرامر لطف ٱلرّحمىٰن (Author, Urdu)
Asif Hameed آصِف حَميد (Teacher, Urdu)
Arabic 101 - (Comprehensive Learning, English)
Sh. Hosaam Faraaj - Advanced Level (English)
Arjan Ali - Lisaan ul Quran (English)
Amir Sohail (Urdu) عامر سُهيل Basic Level Arabic
Sh. Musa Abu Zaghleh - (English) Tajweed
Mohantiq Jamil - عِلْمُ ٱلْمَعَانِي (English) Advanced Level
9. WordByWord
10. VeryAyah
11. Dr. Noorul Hassain - Arabic Grammar in Urdu
12. Zahoor Ahmad - Essentials of Grammar for Learning Quranic Language
13. Atlas ul Quran - Dr. Showqi Abu Khalil - أَطْلَسُ ٱلْقُران
14. Itlas Seerat-e-Nabvi (Urdu) Dr. Showqi Abu Khalil
15. Quran ParHna Sikhiye (Urdu)
16. Animated
17. Pronunciation Guru
18. Quran Hive
19. Conjugation Tool
20. Ayat Application from KSA
21. Friday Khutbahs
Learning Arabic is the best way to understand the meanings of the Holy Quran. |
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Quranic Dictionary
Ruku List
Ruku Titles:
A Believer of Pharaohs People (Al-Momin)
A Earning in Moses History (Al-Momin)
A Great Prophecy (Ar-Rum)
A Lesson from Nature (Al-Furqan)
A New Generation will be raised (Al-Fatir)
A New Nation to be raised (Al-Maarij)
A Parable (Al-Kahaf)
A Perfect Guidance (Az-Zumar)
A Prophet like Moses (Al-Qasas)
A Reminder for Nations (Al-Qalam)
A Transformation (Ar-Rum)
A Victory for Muslims (As-Saba)
A Warner for all Nations (Al-Furqan)
A Warning (Hud)
A Warning (Al-Ahqaf)
A Warning - Besetting Sins of Previous People (Al-Maidah)
A Warning to Christians (Al-Kahaf)
Abraham (Maryam)
Abraham always delivers Prophets (Al-Ambia)
Abraham and Lot (Hud)
Abraham and Lot (Al-Ankabut)
Abraham Argument for Divine Unity (Al-Anaam)
Abraham Argument for Divine Unity (Al-Anaam)
Abraham is Delivered (Al-Ambia)
Abrahams prayer (Ibrahim)
Acts of Kindness (Al-Maun)
Aishahs Slanderers (An-Noor)
Allah deals Mercifully (Al-Ambia)
Allah Power manifested in destruction of Falsehood (An-Najam)
Allahs Choice of Prophet (Az-Zukhruf)
Allahs Dealing is Just (Ash-Shoora)
Allahs Power manifested (An-Najam)
Allies Attack on Madinah (Al-Ahzab)
Allies Flight: Quraizah punished (Al-Ahzab)
An Exhortation (Muhammad)
An Exhortation (Al-Hashr)
An Exhortation (Al-Munafiqoon)
An Exhortation (At-Taghabun)
An Exhortation to the Faithful (Al-Ahzab)
An Exhortation to the Faithful (Al-Ahzab)
Another Generation Raised (Ad-Dehar)
Appeal to Human Nature (Ar-Rum)
Attainment of Perfection (Ad-Dehar)
Attitude of the Hypocrites (An-Nisa)
Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth (Al-Anfal)
Badr a Sign of Prophets Truth (Al-Anfal)
Battle of Uhud afforded a distinction (Al-Imran)
Believers and Disbelievers (Az-Zumar)
Believers and Disbelievers compared (As-Sajdah)
Believers are Triumphant (Al-Hajj)
Believers comforted (Hud)
Believers must defend Themselves (An-Nisa)
Believers permitted to fight (Al-Hajj)
Believers should be Patient (Ash-Shoora)
Believers strengthened (Ha-Meem-Sajdah)
Believers will be Successful (Luqman)
Birth of Jesus and His Ministry (Al-Imran)
Brothers plot against Joseph (Yusuf)
Cain and Abel - murderous plots against the Prophet (Al-Maidah)
Carpings of People of the Book (Al-Imran)
Causes of Misfortune in Uhud Battle (Al-Imran)
Certainty of Divine Help (Al-Hajj)
Certainty of the Punishment (Al-Maarij)
Christian Deviation from the Truth (Al-Maidah)
Christian Love of this Life (Al-Maidah)
Christian Nations (Al-Kahaf)
Christian Nearness to Islam (Al-Maidah)
Christian Violation of the Covenant (Al-Maidah)
Comparison with Moses (Bani-Israel)
Confirmation of the Truth (Ya-Sin)
Consequences of Rejection (Al-Anaam)
Consequences of Rejection (Al-Mursalat)
Consequences of Rejection (Al-Mursalat)
Consequences of Rejection (An-Naziaat)
Consequences of Rejection (An-Naziaat)
Contracts and Evidence (Al-Baqarah)
Controversy with Jews and Christians (Al-Imran)
Covenant of the Prophets (Al-Imran)
Covenant with Abraham (Al-Baqarah)
Davids Enemies (Suad)
Day of Discrimination (Al-Furqan)
Dead Earth will receive life (As-Sajdah)
Dead Nations Revival (Al-Baqarah)
Declaration of Immunity (At-Tauba)
Default in Duty (Al-Mutaffifin)
Denial due to Ignorance (An-Nahal)
Denial of Judgment (Al-Jathiya)
Denial of Revelation (Al-Jathiya)
Destruction of Transgressors (Noah)
Devils Opposition to the Righteous (Al-Hijr)
Devils Opposition to the Righteous (Bani-Israel)
Dhul-qarnain - Gog and Magog (Al-Kahaf)
Disagreement between Husband and Wife (An-Nisa)
Disbelievers grow harder (Bani-Israel)
Disbelievers Warned (At-Taghabun)
Divine Beneficence (Ar-Rahman)
Divine Favors (Al-Fatir)
Divine Favors on Israel (Al-Baqarah)
Divine Favors on Israel (Al-Baqarah)
Divine Favors on Israelites (Al-Aaraf)
Divine Judgment (Al-Anaam)
Divine Judgment (Al-Anaam)
Divine Judgment (Yunus)
Divine Mercy (Az-Zumar)
Divine Mercy in dealing with Men (Al-Hajj)
Divine Mercy in dealing with Men (Al-Hajj)
Divine Mercy in dealing with Men (Al-Hajj)
Divine mercy in giving warning (Ash-Shoora)
Divine mercy to men (Al-Hajj)
Divine Unity (Al-Baqarah)
Divorce (Al-Baqarah)
Divorce (Al-Baqarah)
Double Reward for Believers (Al-Hadid)
Duties of Guardians to Orphan Wards (An-Nisa)
Duty of Uprightness (Al-Maidah)
Dwellers in the Cave (Al-Kahaf)
Dwellers in the Cave (Al-Kahaf)
Each Party meets with its Desert (Az-Zumar)
Effect of Revelation (Ha-Meem-Sajdah)
Eminence attained by the Prophet (An-Najam)
End of Calf-worship (Ta-Ha)
End of Opposition (Ibrahim)
End of Opposition (Al-Momin)
End of Opposition (Al-Momin)
End of Opposition to Moses (Yunus)
End of Opposition to Moses (Yunus)
End of Opposition to Moses (Yunus)
End of Pharaoh (Al-Momin)
End of the Hypocrites (An-Nisa)
Enemys Strength Weakened (Al-Anfal)
Equitable Dealings with Orphans and Women (An-Nisa)
Establish Truth by Sacrifices (As-Saff)
Establishment of Gods Kingdom (Al-Hadid)
Establishment of the Kingdom of Islam (An-Noor)
Ever-living Testimony to the Truth of Islam (Al-Imran)
Every deed has a consequence (Bani-Israel)
Evidence of Divine Impress on Mans Nature (Al-Aaraf)
Evil will be destroyed (Al-Hijr)
Evils of Idolatry (Al-Anaam)
Exhortations to the Faithful (Al-Ahzab)
Failure of Opponents (Al-Momin)
Fall and Rise of Nations (Ar-Raad)
False Allegations refuted (Al-Haqqah)
False doctrine of Sonship (Maryam)
False Doctrines introduced after Jesus (Al-Maidah)
Falsehood is doomed (Az-Zariyat)
Fasting (Al-Baqarah)
Fate of Opponents (An-Nahal)
Fate of Previous Nations (Az-Zariyat)
Favors followed by Retribution (As-Saba)
Fighting in Defense (Al-Baqarah)
Fighting in the Cause of Truth (Al-Baqarah)
Fighting in the Cause of Truth (Al-Baqarah)
Foreign Believers (Al-Jinn)
Friday Prayer (Al-Jumuah)
Friendly Relations with Enemies (Al-Mumtahinah)
Friendly Relations with non-Muslims (Al-Mumtahinah)
Fundamental Principles of Islam (Al-Baqarah)
Good and Evil bear Reward (Ar-Raad)
Good and Evil Rewarded (Ad-Dukhan)
Good and Evil Rewarded (Ad-Dukhan)
Good News for Faithful (Yunus)
Gradual Progress (Al-Anaam)
Gradual Spread of Truth (Ha-Meem-Sajdah)
Greatness of Divine Mercy (Al-Anaam)
Greatness of Divine Power (Luqman)
Greatness of Man and Need of Revelation (Al-Baqarah)
Guard against Internal Enemy (Al-Mujadilah)
Guiding Rules of Life (Al-Anaam)
Guilty are Judged (Al-Kahaf)
Hard Trials necessary to establish Truth (Al-Baqarah)
He Frowned (Abasa)
Helplessness of Opponents (Al-Aaraf)
Higher Values of Life (Al-Mominoon)
History of Abraham (Ash-Shuara)
History of Hud (Hud)
History of Hud (Ash-Shuara)
History of Lot (Ash-Shuara)
History of Moses (Al-Qasas)
History of Moses (Al-Qasas)
History of Moses (Al-Qasas)
History of Moses (Al-Qasas)
History of Noah (Hud)
History of Noah (Hud)
History of Noah (Ash-Shuara)
History of Salih (Hud)
History of Salih (Ash-Shuara)
History of Shuaib (Hud)
History of Shuaib (Ash-Shuara)
History of Solomon (An-Namal)
History of Solomon (An-Namal)
How Opponents were dealt with (Maryam)
How the Opponents were Dealt with (Maryam)
How to deal with Hypocrites (An-Nisa)
How to deal with the Hypocrites (Al-Imran)
Hud (Al-Aaraf)
Hudaibiyah Truce - a Victory (Al-Fath)
Human Nature revolts against Polytheism (An-Nahal)
Hypocrisy Condemned (An-Nisa)
Hypocrites are Dishonest (An-Nisa)
Hypocrites deceive Jews (Al-Hashr)
Idolaters Self-Imposed Prohibitions (Al-Anaam)
Idolaters Service of the Sacred House (At-Tauba)
Idolatry condemned (An-Nisa)
Iniquitous and Righteous (Hud)
Inviolability of the Kabah (Al-Maidah)
Invitation to Truth (Ha-Meem-Sajdah)
Islam made Triumphant in Arabia (At-Tauba)
Islam will be established (As-Sajdah)
Islam will Triumph in the World (At-Tauba)
Israel goes to Egypt (Yusuf)
Israelite Prophecies fulfilled (Al-Baqarah)
Israelites Degeneration (Al-Baqarah)
Israelites Persecution continues (Al-Aaraf)
Israelites Punished Twice (Bani-Israel)
Israelites Transgressions (Al-Aaraf)
Israelites Violation of the Covenant (Al-Maidah)
Israelites worship a calf (Al-Aaraf)
Israelites worship a calf (Ta-Ha)
Jesus as a Prophet (Az-Zukhruf)
Jesus as Prophet (Az-Zukhruf)
Jesus cleared of False Charges (Al-Imran)
Job - Triumph of the Righteous (Suad)
Jonah and the Prophets Triumph (As-Saffat)
Joseph cleared of Charges (Yusuf)
Joseph discloses his Identity (Yusuf)
Joseph helps his Brothers (Yusuf)
Joseph interprets Kings Vision (Yusuf)
Joseph is Imprisoned (Yusuf)
Joseph Preaches in Prison (Yusuf)
Josephs Firmness under Temptation (Yusuf)
Josephs Vision (Yusuf)
Judgment approaches (Al-Ambia)
Judgment is certain (As-Saba)
Judgment is given (Ash-Shoora)
Judgment is Inevitable (Al-Waqia)
Judgment is sure (Az-Zariyat)
Judgment of the Guilty (Ar-Rahman)
Judgment to overtake Opponents (Al-Qamar)
Justice of Retribution (Bani-Israel)
Kingdom granted to Abraham Descendants (An-Nisa)
Korahs wealth ruins him (Al-Qasas)
Last Members of a Chosen Race (Al-Imran)
Law of Inheritance (An-Nisa)
Law relating to Adultery (An-Noor)
Leaders of Evil (As-Saba)
Lesson for Prophets Opponents (Yusuf)
Lesson in Fate of Former People (Al-Furqan)
Light and Life given by Prophet (Al-Hadid)
Lighter Punishment followed by Severer (Ad-Dukhan)
Lip-profession (Al-Baqarah)
Lot and Shuaib (Al-Hijr)
Luqmans Advice to his son (Luqman)
Machinations to discredit Islam (Al-Imran)
Makkah Warned (At-Talaq)
Makkans warned of Punishment (Al-Aaraf)
Manifestation of Divine Light (An-Noor)
Manifestation of Divine Power (An-Noor)
Manifestation of Divine Power in Nature (Ar-Rum)
Mans injustice in rejecting Truth (Ibrahim)
Mary and Jesus (Maryam)
Matters of State to take Precedence (An-Noor)
Mens Evidence against Himself (Ha-Meem-Sajdah)
Merciful Dealing (Yunus)
Mercy for the Righteous - Abraham (Al-Hijr)
Mercy for the Righteous Abraham (Al-Hijr)
Mercy Takes Precedence of Punishment (Yunus)
Messengers Receive Divine Help (Al-Momin)
Messengers sent for Uplift of Humanity (Al-Aaraf)
Miscellaneous Questions (Al-Baqarah)
Moral Precepts (Bani-Israel)
Moral Precepts (Bani-Israel)
More Victories for Islam (Al-Fath)
Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh (Ta-Ha)
Moses and Enchanters (Ta-Ha)
Moses and Enchanters (Ash-Shuara)
Moses and the Enchanters (Ta-Ha)
Moses called and sent to Pharaoh (Ash-Shuara)
Moses delivered, Pharaoh drowned (Ash-Shuara)
Moses is called (Ta-Ha)
Moses is delivered and Pharaoh drowned (Ash-Shuara)
Moses receives the Law (Al-Aaraf)
Moses search of Knowledge (Al-Kahaf)
Moses search of Knowledge (Al-Kahaf)
Moses sent to Pharaoh with signs (Al-Aaraf)
Moses shows more Signs (Al-Aaraf)
Moses travels in Search of Knowledge (Al-Kahaf)
Moses travels in Search of Knowledge (Al-Kahaf)
Moses, Aaron, Elias and Lot (As-Saffat)
Murderer of a Muslim (An-Nisa)
Muslims chosen for Divine Facors (As-Saff)
Muslims chosen for Divine Favors (Al-Jumuah)
Muslims exhorted to remain united (Al-Imran)
Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers (Al-Anfal)
Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers (Al-Anfal)
Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers (Al-Anfal)
Muslims Victory Sure (Al-Baqarah)
Muslims who remained with the Enemy (An-Nisa)
Nature upholds Unity (An-Nahal)
No Compulsion in Religion (Al-Baqarah)
Noah (Al-Aaraf)
Noah (Al-Mominoon)
Noah and Abraham (Al-Ankabut)
Noah and Abraham (As-Saffat)
Noah and Moses (Yunus)
Noah preaches (Noah)
Not a Madmans Message (Al-Qalam)
Nothing avails against Truth (An-Najam)
Obedience to Allah (Az-Zumar)
Opening (Al-Fatiha)
Opponents are doomed (At-Toor)
Opponents Doom (Al-Aaraf)
Opponents Doom (An-Nahal)
Opponents will perish in War (Muhammad)
Opposition is at last destroyed (Ibrahim)
Opposition shall be brought to low (Al-Qasas)
Opposition to Prophets (Suad)
Opposition to the Prophet (Bani-Israel)
Opposition to the Prophet (Al-Hajj)
Opposition to Truth ever a Failure (Al-Ankabut)
Opposition to Truth is punished (Az-Zukhruf)
Opposition will fail (Ar-Raad)
Oppressors brought low (Muhammad)
Other Prophets are raised (Maryam)
Overthrow of Opposition (Ar-Rum)
Parables showing the Truth of Revelation (An-Nahal)
Parables showing the Truth of Revelation (An-Nahal)
Parables showing the Truth of Revelation (An-Nahal)
Parables showing Truth of Revelation (An-Nahal)
Passing away of Opposition (An-Namal)
Perfect guidance only in Islam (Al-Baqarah)
Perfection of Religion in Islam (Al-Maidah)
Pharaoh and the Prophets Opponents (Al-Qamar)
Pharaoh summons Enchanters (Al-Aaraf)
Pharaohs Opposition to Moses (Az-Zukhruf)
Pilgrimage (Al-Hajj)
Polytheism condemned (Az-Zukhruf)
Polytheism is self-condemned (Al-Mominoon)
Polytheism will be uprooted (Al-Hajj)
Polytheists Opposition (Al-Anaam)
Polytheists Witness against Themselves (Al-Anaam)
Power of Allah (Al-Momin)
Prayer enjoined on Muslims (Al-Muzzammil)
Prayer when Fighting (An-Nisa)
Preventive Measures (An-Noor)
Previous Revelation bears out Quranic Statements (An-Nisa)
Previous scriptures are abrogated (Al-Baqarah)
Progress of Faithful (At-Tahrem)
Prohibited Foods (Al-Baqarah)
Prohibited Foods (Al-Anaam)
Prophet must be obeyed (An-Nisa)
Prophet raised to explain (An-Nahal)
Prophethood of Jesus (An-Nisa)
Prophets after Noah (Al-Mominoon)
Prophets among Abraham Descendants (Al-Anaam)
Prophets Domestic Relations (At-Tahrem)
Prophets Domestic Simplicity (Al-Ahzab)
Prophets Great Anxiety (At-Tauba)
Prophets Marriage with Zainab (Al-Ahzab)
Prophets Marriages (Al-Ahzab)
Prophets Opponents warned (Ash-Shuara)
Prophets testify (An-Nahal)
Protection of Revelation (Al-Jinn)
Protection of the Faithful (Al-Momin)
Provisions for Divorced Women and Widows (Al-Baqarah)
Punishment cannot be averted (Az-Zumar)
Punishment due to evil deeds (Al-Fatir)
Punishment is certain (Ta-Ha)
Punishment must follow (Bani-Israel)
Punishment of Offenders (Al-Maidah)
Punishment of Rejection (Yunus)
Punishment withheld (An-Nahal)
Purification of the Soul (An-Nisa)
Quran - a Unique Guidance (Bani-Israel)
Quran as a Guidance (Al-Kahaf)
Quran is a purifier (Al-Ankabut)
Quran not a Forgery (An-Nahal)
Reasons for the Immunity (At-Tauba)
Recipient of Revelation (An-Nahal)
Reference to Moses History (An-Namal)
Regrets of the Wicked (Al-Mominoon)
Rejection of the Truth (Al-Anaam)
Rejectors will be abased (Az-Zumar)
Relations of Muslim State with others (Al-Anfal)
Relations of Muslims with Enemies (Al-Maidah)
Remarriage of Divorced Women and Widows (Al-Baqarah)
Reprobates Punishment (Yunus)
Respect for Muslim Brotherhood (Al-Hujurat)
Respect for Privacy (An-Noor)
Respect for the Prophet (Al-Hujurat)
Retaliation and Bequests (Al-Baqarah)
Retaliation and Bequests (Al-Baqarah)
Revelation dispels darkness (Ibrahim)
Revelation enjoins Good (An-Nahal)
Revelation is a Divine Favor (Az-Zukhruf)
Revelation testified by Nature (An-Nahal)
Revelations guides aright (Ash-Shoora)
Revolution to be brought about by Quran (Ar-Raad)
Reward and Punishment (Ya-Sin)
Reward of Believers (Al-Anaam)
Reward of the Righteous (Ar-Rahman)
Righteous will inherit land (Al-Ambia)
Rule of Interpretation (Al-Imran)
Rules of Conduct in Domestic Relations (Al-Ahzab)
Sacrifices (Al-Hajj)
Safeguarding Womens Rights (Al-Mujadilah)
Salih and Lot (Al-Aaraf)
Salih and Lot (An-Namal)
Secret Counsels of the Hypocrites (An-Nisa)
Sectet Counsels Codemned (Al-Mujadilah)
Shuaib (Al-Aaraf)
Signs of the Truth (Ya-Sin)
Slanderers of Women (An-Noor)
Solomon and his Enemies (Suad)
Some Directions for Muslims (Al-Maidah)
Spending in the Cause of Truth (Al-Baqarah)
Spending Money in the Cause of Truth (Al-Baqarah)
Spiritual and Physical Relationship (Al-Ahzab)
Spreading Evil Reports (Al-Ahzab)
Steady Progress of Truth (Ar-Raad)
Success does not depend on Numbers (Al-Anfal)
Success of the Faithful (Al-Mominoon)
Success of the Faithful (At-Toor)
Sufferings to be met with Perseverance (Al-Imran)
Supplementary Divorce Rules (At-Talaq)
Thamud and Lots People (Al-Qamar)
The Abundance of Good (Al-Kauthar)
The Abundance of Wealth (At-Takathur)
The Assaulters (Al-Aadiyaat)
The Battle of Badr (Al-Anfal)
The Battle of Badr (Al-Anfal)
The Battle of Uhud (Al-Imran)
The Brightness of The Day (Ad-Duha)
The Bursting Asunder (Al-Inshiqaq)
The Calamity (Al-Qariah)
The Chief Opponents (Al-Anaam)
The City (Al-Balad)
The Clear Evidence (Al-Bayyenah)
The Cleaving (Al-Infitar)
The Clot (Al-Alaq)
The Comer by Night (At-Tariq)
The Coming of the Doom (Al-Aaraf)
The Dawn (Al-Falaq)
The Day of Decision (An-Naba)
The Day of Decision (An-Naba)
The Day-Break (Al-Fajr)
The Dead Rise (Al-Qayamah)
The Defaulters (Al-Fath)
The Devils misleading (Ta-Ha)
The Devils Opposition to Man (Al-Aaraf)
The Disbelievers (Al-Kafirun)
The Disbelievers Doom (Al-Mulk)
The Doom (Al-Jathiya)
The Doom (Al-Haqqah)
The Doom Comes (Luqman)
The Elect (Al-Fatir)
The Elephant (Al-Feel)
The Enemys Discomfiture (Suad)
The Exiled Jews (Al-Hashr)
The Expansion (Alam-Nashrah)
The Faithful (At-Tauba)
The Faithful will be Exhalted (An-Namal)
The Fate of Ad (Al-Ahqaf)
The Fig (At-Tin)
The Final Judgment (Az-Zumar)
The Final Word (Al-Aaraf)
The Flame (Al-Lahab)
The Folding Up (At-Takwir)
The Goal for the Faithful (Al-Anaam)
The Guilty (Al-Waqia)
The Help (An-Nasr)
The Hypocrites (At-Tauba)
The Hypocrites (At-Tauba)
The Hypocrites (At-Tauba)
The Hypocrites (At-Tauba)
The Hypocrites (At-Tauba)
The Hypocrites (At-Tauba)
The Hypocrites (At-Tauba)
The Hypocrites (At-Tauba)
The Hypocrites (Al-Munafiqoon)
The Iniquitous and the Righteous (Hud)
The Iniquitous and the Righteous (Hud)
The Judgment (Al-Hajj)
The Judgment (As-Saffat)
The Kabah as the Spiritual Center (Al-Baqarah)
The Kabah as the Spiritual Center (Al-Baqarah)
The Kingdom is granted to another people (Al-Imran)
The Kingdom of God (Al-Mulk)
The Majesty (Al-Qadr)
The Men (An-Nas)
The Mockers (Al-Maidah)
The Most High (Al-Ala)
The Night (Al-Lail)
The Opening (An-Nisa)
The Overwhelming Event (Al-Ghashiyah)
The Pilgrimage (Al-Baqarah)
The Power of Allah (Al-Momin)
The Prophet enjoined to pray (Al-Muzzammil)
The Prophet enjoined to warn (Al-Muddath-thir)
The Prophet is consoled (Ash-Shuara)
The Prophet must be obeyed (An-Nisa)
The Prophet will return in Makkah (Al-Qasas)
The Prophet will return in Makkah (Al-Qasas)
The Prophet will return to Makkah (Al-Qasas)
The Prophets Opponents (Ta-Ha)
The Quraish (Al-Quraish)
The Quran and Previous Scriptures (Al-Maidah)
The Quran is guarded (Al-Hijr)
The Religion of Abraham (Al-Baqarah)
The Resurrection (Ya-Sin)
The Resurrection (Qaaf)
The Resurrection (Qaaf)
The Resurrection (Qaaf)
The Righteous will prosper (Al-Aaraf)
The Shaking (Az-Zilzal)
The Slanderer (Al-Humazah)
The Spiritual Resurrection (An-Namal)
The Stars (Al-Buruj)
The Sun (Ash-Shams)
The Time (Al-Asr)
The Torah and the Prophets Advent (Al-Aaraf)
The Transformation wrought (Al-Furqan)
The Two Parties (Ar-Rum)
The Two Parties (Az-Zukhruf)
The Unity (Al-Ikhlas)
The Warning (Ha-Meem-Sajdah)
The Warning (Al-Muddath-thir)
The Way to Success (Al-Anfal)
The Weak-Heartened Ones (Muhammad)
The Youngest Brother (Yusuf)
The Youngest Brother (Yusuf)
The youngest brother (Yusuf)
Their enmity to the Prophet (Al-Baqarah)
Their Helplessness (Al-Kahaf)
They grow in Hard-heartedness (Al-Baqarah)
They grow in Hard-heartedness (Al-Baqarah)
They reject the Prophet (Al-Baqarah)
Those who accept the Message (Al-Aaraf)
Three Classes of Men (Al-Waqia)
Transgression of the Jews (An-Nisa)
Treatment of Women (An-Nisa)
Trials and Tribulation (Al-Baqarah)
Trials purify (Al-Ankabut)
Triumph of the Faithful (Al-Ankabut)
Truth is Confirmed (Ibrahim)
Truth is rejected first (Ibrahim)
Truth of Divine Revelation (Al-Anaam)
Truth of Revelation (Yunus)
Truth of Revelation (Hud)
Truth of Revelation (Ar-Raad)
Truth of Revelation (Al-Ambia)
Truth of Revelation (Al-Qasas)
Truth of Revelation (Al-Ahqaf)
Truth of the Quran (Ya-Sin)
Truth of the Resurrection (Al-Qayamah)
Truth of the Revelation (Al-Jathiya)
Truth of Warning (Al-Furqan)
Truth shall be established (Al-Hadid)
Truth triumphed always (Al-Ambia)
Truth will prevail (Bani-Israel)
Truth will prevail (Bani-Israel)
Truth will prevail (Bani-Israel)
Truth will prevail (Al-Fatir)
Truth will Prosper (As-Saba)
Uhud no gain to the enemy (Al-Imran)
Ultimate Triumph for Islam (Al-Fath)
Ultimate Triumph of Divine Unity (Al-Anaam)
Ultimate Triumph of the Faithful (Al-Imran)
Ultimate Triumph of the Truth (Al-Anaam)
Uniqueness of Divine Gifts (Yunus)
Unit must prevail (Al-Baqarah)
Unity the Basis of all Religions (Al-Imran)
Unity will prevail (As-Saffat)
Usury Prohibited (Al-Baqarah)
Violation of Covenant (Al-Baqarah)
Warner to Dwellers of Rock (Al-Hijr)
Warning against Devils Insinuations (Al-Aaraf)
Warning and Consolation (Al-Ankabut)
Warning benefits the Heedful (Yunus)
Warning is disregarded (Al-Kahaf)
Way to Greatness (An-Nahal)
Wealth standard not for Greatness (As-Saba)
What Faithful should do (At-Tauba)
What Success meant for the Muslims (Al-Imran)
What Women may be taken in Marriage (An-Nisa)
Wicked meet Disgrace (An-Nahal)
Witness of the Truth (Al-Ahqaf)
Women Rights over their Earnings (An-Nisa)
Zacharias and John (Maryam)
Regular Verbs List
0 | Tenses Type
1 | Active Perfect | ماضي معروف
2 | Active Imperfect | مضارع معروف
3 | Active Subjunctive | مضارع منصوب معروف
4 | Active Jussive | مضارع اخف معروف
5 | Active Emphatic I | مضارع معروف نون ٱلتّوكيد خفيفه
6 | Active Emphatic II | مضارع معروف نون ٱلتّوكيد ثقيله
7 | Passive Perfect | ماضي مجہول
8 | Passive Imperfect | مضارع مجہول
9 | Passive Subjunctive | مضارع منصوب مجہول
10 | Passive Jussive | مضارع اخف مجہول
11 | Passive Emphatic I | مضارع بٱلتّوكيد نون خفيفة مجہول
12 | Passive Emphatic II | مضارع بٱلتّوكيد نون ٱلثّقيلة مجہول
13 | Active Imperative | فعل أمر
14 | Passive Imperative | فعل نہى
15 | Active Participle | إسمُ فاعل
16 | Passive Participle | إسم مفعول
17 | Verbal Noun | مصدر
18 | Nouns of Instrument | إسم مكان وٱلنہّمان
19 | Adjectives | إسم ٱلصّفّة
20 | Diminutive | إسم آلة
21 | Superlative | إسم ٱلتّفضيل
0 | Perfect Particle
1 | ma | مَا | what? (interrogative pronoun) what? (introducing indirect questions) what
2 | matha | مَاذَا | (intensified) what?
3 | qad | قَدْ | (particle) with foll. perf. indicates the termination of an action; sometimes corresponding to English "already"; with foll. imperfect.: sometimes, at times; perhaps, English "may", "might"
0 | Imperfect Particle
1 | sa | سَ | abbreviated form of sawfa
2 | sawfa | سَوْفَ | (particle of future tense) soon
3 | fasa | فَسَ | so, very soon
4 | fasawfa | فَسَوْفَ | so, soon
5 | lasawfa | لَسَوْفَ | verily, soon
6 | falasawfa | فَلَسَوْفَ | so, verily soon
0 | Subjunctive Particle
1 | an | أَنْ | so that
2 | wain | وَإِنْ | although, even though, even if
3 | illa | إِلَّا | unless, if not; except, save; (with a preceding negation
4 | li | لِ | for
5 | kay | كَيْ | may be
6 | lan | لَنْ | never
7 | ala | أَلَا | ala
8 | law | لَوْ | were
9 | hatta | حَتَّىٰ | till
10 | lian | لِأَنْ | (conj. with the subjunctive) that, so that, in order that, in order to;
11 | likay | لِكَيْ | (conj. with the subjunctive) that, so that, in order that, in order to
12 | lialla | لِئَلَّا | in order not to, lest
13 | lihatha | لِهَـٰذَا | therefore, hence, that is why, for that reason
14 | lianna | لِأَنَّ | (conj.) on the grounds that; for
15 | lithalika | لِذَالِك | therefore, hence, that is why, for that reason
16 | lima | لِمَا | why (chiefly in indirect questions); wherefore? for what reason;
17 | alla | أَلَّا | lest, that ... not, in order that ... not, so as not to
0 | Jussive Particle
1 | lam | لَمْ | (particle; with foll. apoch) not
2 | lamma | لَمَّا | (conj.) when, as, after; since, whereas; (with foll. apoc) not, not yet
3 | in | إِنْ | (conj.) if, in case; whether
4 | li | لِ | (prep.) for; on behalf of, in favor of; to; due to, owing to; for, for the purpose of; at the time of, when, as;
0 | Emphatic Particle Light
1 | la | فَ
2 | laA | لَا
3 | li | لِ
0 | Emphatic Particle Heavy
1 | la | لَ
2 | la | لَا
0 | Verb Type
1 | فَعْلٌ | Verb I
2 | تَفْعِيلٌ | Verb II
3 | مَفَاعِلَةٌ | Verb III
4 | إِفْعَالٌ | Verb IV
5 | تَفَعَّلٌ | Verb V
6 | تَفَاعَلٌ | Verb VI
7 | إِنْفِعَالٌ | Verb VII
8 | إِفّتِعَالٌ | Verb VIII
9 | إِفْعِلَالٌ | Verb IX
10 | إِسْتَفْعَالٌ | Verb X
0 | L1 First Letter
1 | ء | e | hamzah
2 | ب | b | bā'
3 | ت | t | tā'
4 | ث | th | tha
5 | ج | j | jīm
6 | ح | H | ḥā'
7 | خ | kh | khāh
8 | د | d | dāl
9 | ذ | dh | dhāl
10 | ر | r | rā'
11 | ز | z | zāy
12 | س | s | sīn
13 | ش | sh | shīn
14 | ص | S | sā
15 | ض | D | dād
16 | ط | T | tāh
17 | ظ | Z | zād
18 | ع | ` | ?ayn
19 | غ | gh | ghayn
20 | ف | f | fā'
21 | ق | q | qāf
22 | ك | k | kāf
23 | ل | l | lām
24 | م | m | mīm
25 | ن | n | nūn
26 | ه | h | hā'
27 | و | w | wāw
28 | ي | y | yā'
0 | L2 First Letter
1 | ء | e | hamzah
2 | ب | b | bā'
3 | ت | t | tā'
4 | ث | th | tha
5 | ج | j | jīm
6 | ح | H | ḥā'
7 | خ | kh | khāh
8 | د | d | dāl
9 | ذ | dh | dhāl
10 | ر | r | rā'
11 | ز | z | zāy
12 | س | s | sīn
13 | ش | sh | shīn
14 | ص | S | sā
15 | ض | D | dād
16 | ط | T | tāh
17 | ظ | Z | zād
18 | ع | ` | ?ayn
19 | غ | gh | ghayn
20 | ف | f | fā'
21 | ق | q | qāf
22 | ك | k | kāf
23 | ل | l | lām
24 | م | m | mīm
25 | ن | n | nūn
26 | ه | h | hā'
27 | و | w | wāw
28 | ي | y | yā'
0 | L3 First Letter
1 | ء | e | hamzah
2 | ب | b | bā'
3 | ت | t | tā'
4 | ث | th | tha
5 | ج | j | jīm
6 | ح | H | ḥā'
7 | خ | kh | khāh
8 | د | d | dāl
9 | ذ | dh | dhāl
10 | ر | r | rā'
11 | ز | z | zāy
12 | س | s | sīn
13 | ش | sh | shīn
14 | ص | S | sā
15 | ض | D | dād
16 | ط | T | tāh
17 | ظ | Z | zād
18 | ع | ` | ?ayn
19 | غ | gh | ghayn
20 | ف | f | fā'
21 | ق | q | qāf
22 | ك | k | kāf
23 | ل | l | lām
24 | م | m | mīm
25 | ن | n | nūn
26 | ه | h | hā'
27 | و | w | wāw
28 | ي | y | yā'
0 | Verb Group
1 | n ن | a | u
2 | s س | i | a
3 | D ض | a | i
4 | f ف | a | a
5 | H ح | u | u
6 | k ك | i | i
Default | Subject Pronoun
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>1 | | dual | masc.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>2 | | pl. | masc.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>3 | | sing. | fem.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>4 | | dual | fem.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>5 | | pl. | fem.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>6 | | sing. | masc.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>7 | | dual | masc.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>8 | | pl. | masc.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>9 | | sing. | fem.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>10 | | dual | fem.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>11 | | pl. | fem.
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>12 | | sing. | both
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>13 | | pl. | both
: Undefined variable: subProTrans in
on line
>14 | | sing. | masc.
0 | Object Pronoun
1 | they, them, (f) | dual | masc. | 3rd. person | واحِد | مذكّر | غاىٔب
2 | they (both) | pl. | masc. | 3rd. person | تثنِيه | مذكّر | غاىٔب
3 | them (f) | sing. | fem. | 3rd. person | جمع | مذكّر | غاىٔب
4 | you (both) | dual | fem. | 3rd. person | واحِد | مؤنّث | غاىٔب
5 | you, all (f) | pl. | fem. | 3rd. person | تثنِيه | مؤنّث | غاىٔب
6 | her | sing. | masc. | 2nd. person | جمع | مؤنّث | غاىٔب
7 | their, all (m) | dual | masc. | 2nd. person | واحِد | مذكّر | حاضر
8 | they, all (m) | pl. | masc. | 2nd. person | تثنِيه | مذكّر | حاضر
9 | you (all) | sing. | fem. | 2nd. person | جمع | مذكّر | حاضر
10 | us (all) | dual | fem. | 2nd. person | واحِد | مؤنّث | حاضر
11 | our | pl. | fem. | 2nd. person | جمع | مؤنّث | حاضر
12 | his | sing. | both | 1st. person | جمع | مؤنّث | حاضر
13 | his | pl. | both | 1st. person | واحدم | مذكّر & مُؤنّث | متکلّم
0 | Noun of Instrument
1 | fa`lun
2 | fi`lun
3 | fu`lun
4 | fu`ulun
5 | fa`alatun
6 | fi`laY
7 | fa`laY
8 | fu`laY
9 | fu`lāna
10 | fi`lāna
11 | fi`ālun
12 | fu`ālun
13 | fu`ūlun
14 | fa`ūlun
15 | fa`iy:un
16 | fa`ūlatun
17 | muf`alun
18 | fu`aylun
0 | Adverb of Place
1 | maf`alun
2 | maf`ilun
3 | maf`ulun
0 | Noun of Instrument
1 | mif`alun
2 | mif`alatun
3 | mif`ālun
0 | Adjective Pattern
1 | fu`lun
2 | fa`lun
3 | fi`lun
4 | fa`alun
5 | fa`ilun
6 | fa`ulun
7 | fa`ālun
8 | fa`īlun
9 | fa`:ālun
10 | fa`lānu
11 | fa`lānun
12 | fa`:ālatun
13 | fu`:ālun
14 | fāūlun
15 | fi`:īlun
16 | fu`alatun
17 | fa:`ilatun
18 | mif`īlun
19 | af`alu
20 | fu`laY
0 | Declension
1 | an | accusative, sing., masc. | masc.
2 | in | genetive, sing., masc. | masc.
3 | u | common nominative, sing., masc. | masc.
4 | a | common accusative, sing., masc. | masc.
5 | i | common genetive, sing., masc. | masc.
6 | atun | nominative, sing., fem. | fem.
7 | atan | accusative, sing., fem. | fem.
8 | atin | genetive, sing., fem. | fem.
9 | atu | common nominative, sing., fem. | fem.
10 | ata | common accusative, sing., fem. | fem.
11 | ati | common genetive, sing., fem. | fem.
12 | aAni | nominative, dual, masc. | masc.
13 | ayni | accusative, dual, masc. | masc.
14 | ayni | genetive, dual, masc. | masc.
15 | ataAni | nominative, dual, fem. | fem.
16 | atayni | accusative, dual, fem. | fem.
17 | atayni | genetive, dual, fem. | fem.
18 | uwna | nominative, pl., masc. | masc.
19 | iyna | accusative, pl., masc. | masc.
20 | iyna | genetive, pl., masc. | masc.
21 | aAtun | nominative, pl., fem | fem.
22 | aAtan | accusative, pl., fem. | fem.
23 | aAtin | genetive, pl., fem. | fem.
Active Perfect Verb I
tense type: 1 | ج | م | ع| Active Past Verb I Tense Alone
| beat | Tense with its Particle
qad jama`a
قَدْ جَمَعَ
qad naSara
قَدْ نَصَرَ
or |
| beat |Tense with Pronoun
| beat | they, them, (f)
| they, them, (f) | masc. | dual Tense with its Particle and Pronoun
qad | naSarahumaA
قَدْ نَصَرَهُمَا
qad | قَدْ
or |
| have beat | they, them, (f)
| they, them, (f) | masc. | dual
Regular Verbs List
Pronoun |
they | ضمير | هُمَا
| Number |
عدد |
| Gender |
| جنس |
مذكّر |
| Person: |
3rd. person |