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Al-Hujurat | 49:9 | Ruku: Respect for the Prophet

Translation: And if two parties of the believers fall to mutual fighting, make peace between them. Then if either of them transgresses against rite other, fight the one that has transgressed till it returns to Allah's Command. Then if it returns, make peace between them with justice, and be just because Allah loves those who do justice.

Transliteration: wa_in TaA~Y_eifataAni mina (a)l.muwe.miniyna (a)q.tataluwA[0] fa_aS.liHuwA[0] bay.nahumaA [sly] fa_in [m] baghat _iH.daYEhumaA _alaYE `alaY (a)l._ukh.raYE faqaEtiluwA[0] (a)llatiy tab.ghiy HattaYE tafiy~?a _ilayE~ _am.ri Allahi [j] fa_in faA~?at fa_aS.liHuwA[0] bay.nahumaA bi(a)l.`adli wa_aq.siTuw~A[0] [sly] _inna Allah yuHibbu (a)l.muq.siTiyna

surah: 49a_no: 9