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hit counterQurandb Learning Arabic is the best way to understand the meanings of the Holy Quran. || FAQs ||Features ||MCQs | |TDB | |Arafat | |Tawaf | |Saee | |Umrah | |Quranic Dictionary |
| | At-Tauba | Pre Ayat ← 122 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 15. What Faithful should do | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And it was not required that all the believers should leave their homes, but why did not some people from every habitation leave their homes in order to understand the Way of Islam and to warn their people when they returned to them, so that they should refrain from un-Islamic conduct?120
Translit: Wama kana almuminoona liyanfiroo kaffatan falawla nafara min kulli firqatin minhum taifatun liyatafaqqahoo fee alddeeni waliyunthiroo qawmahum itha rajaAAoo ilayhim laAAallahum yahtharoona
0 wama
1 kana كَانَا | were Kana Perfect
2 almuminoona
3 liyanfiroo
4 kaffatan
5 falawla | فَلَولَا | falawla |
6 nafara
7 min | مِنْ | min | | مِنْ | min | Particles
8 kulli | كُلِّ | kulli i | masc. | Miscellaneous Nouns | كُلِّ | kulli i | masc. | Miscellaneous Nouns
9 firqatin
10 minhum | مِنْهُمْ | minhum | | | |
11 taifatun | طَائِفَةٌ | taifatun atun | fem. | Miscellaneous Nouns | طَائِفَتٌ | taifatun atun | fem. | Miscellaneous Nouns
12 liyatafaqqahoo
13 fee | فِي | fee | | فِي | fee | Particles
14 alddeeni | ٱلْقُّدُّوسِ | alddeeni | and | honey | genitive | Religious Terms
15 waliyunthiroo
16 qawmahum
17 itha | إِذَا | itha |
18 rajaAAoo
19 ilayhim | إِلَيْهِمْ | ilayhim | | | |
20 laAAallahum | لَعَلَّهُمْ | laAAallahum | | | |
21 yahtharoona