Qurandb Learning Arabic is the best way to understand the meanings of the Holy Quran. ||Features | Ruku SearchProphets Dropdown
| Snippet | Lectures in pdf | Collection of Duas | Guldastah Dua | Tajweed Lectures |1. The Nouns and the Article 2. The Simple Nominative Sentences 3. The Possessive Case or Genetive 4. The Verb 1. The Root System | 2. The Morpheme | 3. Tenses PerfectPast Tense Examples | 4. Added Forms | 5. Modification of the verb5. Doubled and Weak Verbs 1. Same letter for second and third radical | Hollow Verb | 6. The Verbal Sentences 1. The Nominal sentences | 2. The Verbal sentences | Declension of the verbal sentence | The word order in a verbal sentence7. The Imperfect Tense al-mudari | 3. Groups of the tri-literal verbs A | B | C | D | E | F sa | sawfa Imperfect Examples8. Moods of Imperfect, Indicative and Subjunctive an | alla | lan | lian | hatta | kay | Subjunctive Examples9. Moods of Imperfect II, The Jussive lā | lam | lam:ā | li | in | man | aynamā | ayyamā |Jussive Examples10. The Passive Voice