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| | Ash-Shoora | Pre Ayat ← 33 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Believers should be Patient | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:If Allah so wills He can still the wind and leave them motionless on its back. -In this there are many signs for every such person who patiently endures and is grateful.
Translit: In yasha yuskini alrreeha fayathlalna rawakida AAala thahrihi inna fee thalika laayatin likulli sabbarin shakoorin
0 In
1 yasha
2 yuskini
3 alrreeha
4 fayathlalna
5 rawakida
6 AAala | عَلَىٰ | AAala | | عَلَىٰ | AAala | Particles
7 thahrihi
8 inna | إِنَّ | inna |
9 fee | فِي | fee | | فِي | fee | Particles
10 thalika | 1 | thalika | ذَالِكَ | that | | Demonstrative Pronoun Far
11 laayatin
12 likulli
13 sabbarin | صَبَّارٍ | sabbarin in | masc. | Miscellaneous Nouns
14 shakoorin | شَكُورٍ | shakoorin in | masc. | Miscellaneous Nouns