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Translation:If you lend to Allah a goodly loan, He will pay you back manifold and will forgive you your faults. Allah is Appreciative and Forbearing.
Translit: In tuqridoo Allaha qardan hasanan yudaAAifhu lakum wayaghfir lakum waAllahu shakoorun haleemun
0 In
1 tuqridoo
2 Allaha | ٱللَّهَ | Allaha | Allah | accusative | Religious Terms
3 qardan
4 hasanan | حَسَنًا | hasanan an | masc. | Miscellaneous Nouns
5 yudaAAifhu
6 lakum | لَكُمْ | masc. | 2nd. person | pl. | truly, verily, certainly |intensifying particles|; by, at, in, with | prep. | | you Conjunction | Object Pronoun | لَكُمْ | lakum | masc. | pl. | 2nd. person |
7 wayaghfir
8 lakum | لَكُمْ | masc. | 2nd. person | pl. | truly, verily, certainly |intensifying particles|; by, at, in, with | prep. | | you Conjunction | Object Pronoun | لَكُمْ | lakum | masc. | pl. | 2nd. person |
9 waAllahu | وَٱللَّهُ | waAllahu | and | Allah | nominative | Religious Terms
10 shakoorun | شَكُورٌ | shakoorun un | masc. | Miscellaneous Nouns
11 haleemun | حَلِيمٌ | haleemun un | masc. | Miscellaneous Nouns