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| | At-Talaq | Pre Ayat ← 10 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 2. Makkah Warned | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Allah has prepared from them a severe torment (in the Hereafter). So fear Allah. O you then of understanding, who have believed. Allah has sent down to you an Admonition,
Translit: aAAadda Allahu lahum AAathaban shadeedan faittaqoo Allaha ya olee alalbabi allatheena amanoo qad anzala Allahu ilaykum thikran
0 | aAAadda
1 | Allahu | ٱللَّهُ | nominative | Allah Religious Terms
2 | lahum | لَهُم | masc. | 3rd. person | pl. | truly, verily, certainly |intensifying particles|; by, at, in, with | prep. | | them Conjunction | Object Pronoun | لَهُمْ | masc. | pl. | 3rd. person |
3 | AAathaban | عَذَابًا | common accusative | AAathab | عَذَابًا | common accusative | torment, pain, suffering, agony, torture, punishment, chastisement, castigation Religious Terms
4 | shadeedan | شَدِيدًا | common accusative | shadeed
5 | faittaqoo
6 | Allaha | ٱللَّهَ | accusative | Allah Religious Terms
7 | ya | يَا |
8 | olee
9 | alalbabi
10 | allatheena | ٱلَّذِينَ | those | | Relative Pronoun
11 | amanoo
12 | qad | قَدْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Perfectقَدْ | Active Imperative | Form Regular Assimilated w
13 | anzala | يَنْزَلَ | Active Past | Form IV | 17 | cause to come down | يَنْزَلَا | Active Past | Form IV | 17 | cause to come down | يَنْزَلَ | Active Past | Form IV | 62 | lower oneself | stoop | condescend | يَنْزَلَا | Active Past | Form IV | 62 | lower oneself | stoop | condescend
14 | Allahu | ٱللَّهُ | nominative | Allah Religious Terms
15 | ilaykum | إِلَيْكُمْ | | | |
16 | thikran