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| | At-Tahrem | Pre Ayat ← 4 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Prophets Domestic Relations | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:If you both (women) repent to Allah, (it is better for you), for your hearts have swerved from the right path and if you supported each other against the Prophet, you should know that Allah is his Protector, and after Him Gabriel and the righteous believers and the angels are his companions and helpers.
Translit: In tatooba ila Allahi faqad saghat quloobukuma wain tathahara AAalayhi fainna Allaha huwa mawlahu wajibreelu wasalihu almumineena waalmalaikatu baAAda thalika thaheerun
0 | In
1 | tatooba
2 | ila | إِلَىٰ | | إِلَىٰ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
3 | Allahi | ٱللَّهِ | genitive | Allah Religious Terms
4 | faqad | وَقَدْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Perfect
5 | saghat
6 | quloobukuma
7 | wain | وَإِنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Conditional Particle
8 | tathahara
9 | AAalayhi | عَلَيْهِۧ | | | |
10 | fainna | فَإِنَّ |
11 | Allaha | ٱللَّهَ | accusative | Allah Religious Terms
12 | huwaهُوَ | | | | he Subject Pronoun
13 | mawlahu
14 | wajibreelu | جِبْرِيلُ | nominative | Gabriel Religious Terms
15 | wasalihu
16 | almumineena
17 | waalmalaikatu
18 | baAAda
19 | thalika | ذَالِكَ | that | | Demonstrative Pronoun Far
20 | thaheerun