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| | Al-Baqarah | Pre Ayat ← 64 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 8. They grow in Hard-heartedness | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:But even after that you forsook the Covenant: nevertheless Allah did not withhold His grace and mercy from you; otherwise you would have been utterly ruined long before this.
Translit: Thumma tawallaytum min baAAdi thalika falawla fadlu Allahi AAalaykum warahmatuhu lakuntum mina alkhasireena
0 Thumma
1 tawallaytum | تَوَلَّيْتُمْ | Active Past | Form V
2 min | مِنْ | | مِنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) Separable Preposition Particles
3 baAAdi | بَعْدِ |
4 thalika | ذَالِكَ | that | | Demonstrative Pronoun Far
5 falawla | وَلَولَا | how? how...! |interrogative and exclamatory particle| Combined Partcles
6 fadlu
7 Allahi | ٱللَّهِ | genitive | Allah Religious Terms
8 AAalaykum | عَلَيْكُمْ | masc. | pl. | 2nd. person |
9 warahmatuhu كُنْتُمْ | were Kana Perfect
10 lakuntum كُنْتُمْ | were Kana Perfect
11 mina | مِنَ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) Separable Preposition Particles
12 alkhasireena