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| | Al-Baqarah | Pre Ayat ← 74 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 9. They grow in Hard-heartedness | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:But even after seeing these Signs your hearts hardened and became as hard as rocks; nay, even harder than rocks. For there are some rocks out of which springs gush forth, and others which split open, and water issues out of them; then there are some which tumble down for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unaware of what you are doing.
Translit: Thumma qasat quloobukum min baAAdi thalika fahiya kaalhijarati aw ashaddu qaswatan wainna mina alhijarati lama yatafajjaru minhu alanharu wainna minha lama yashshaqqaqu fayakhruju minhu almao wainna minha lama yahbitu min khashyati Allahi wama Allahu bighafilin AAamma taAAmaloona
0 | Thumma
1 | qasat
2 | quloobukum
3 | min | مِنْ | | مِنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
4 | baAAdi | بَعْدِ |
5 | thalika | ذَالِكَ | that | | Demonstrative Pronoun Far
6 | fahiya| فَهِيَ | | | | then | conj. | | she | Subject Pronoun
7 | kaalhijarati
8 | aw
9 | ashaddu
10 | qaswatan
11 | wainna | وَإِنَّ |
12 | mina | مِنَ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
13 | alhijarati
14 | lama | لَمَا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Perfect
15 | yatafajjaru
16 | minhu | مِنْهُ ۥ | | | |
17 | alanharu
18 | wainna | وَإِنَّ |
19 | minha | مِنْهَا | | | |
20 | lama | لَمَا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Perfect
21 | yashshaqqaqu
22 | fayakhruju
23 | minhu | مِنْهُ ۥ | | | |
24 | almao
25 | wainna | وَإِنَّ |
26 | minha | مِنْهَا | | | |
27 | lama | لَمَا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Perfect
28 | yahbitu | يَهْبِطُ | Active Present | Form Regular | 174 | get down
29 | min | مِنْ | | مِنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
30 | khashyati
31 | Allahi | ٱللَّهِ | genitive | Allah Religious Terms
32 | wama | وَمَا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Perfect
33 | Allahu | ٱللَّهُ | nominative | Allah Religious Terms
34 | bighafilin غَفِلٍ | negligent Derived Nouns
35 | AAamma | عَمَّ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Pronoun with Relative Pronoun
36 | taAAmaloona | تَعْمَلُونَ | Active Present | Form Regular | 161 | do