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tense type: 4
No.ArabicPreceding ParticleTranslationFollowing Pronoun
1 |4|0|0|yajma`a
| they | opena
1 |4|1|5|1|lamma yajma`a
لَمَّا يَجْمَعَا
lamma yaftaHa
لَمَّا يَفْتَحَا
lamma | لَمَّا | (conj.) when, as, after; since, whereas; (with foll. apoc) not, not yet | they | open
1 |4|2|5|1|yajma`ahu
| (conj.) when, as, after; since, whereas; (with foll. apoc) not, not yet | they | open | himahuهُ him | masc. | sing.
1 |4|2|5|1lamma yajma`ahu
لَمَّا يَجْمَعَاهُ
lamma yaftaHahu
لَمَّا يَفْتَحَاهُ
lamma | لَمَّا | (conj.) when, as, after; since, whereas; (with foll. apoc) not, not yet | they | open | himahuهُ him | masc. | sing.
Regular Verbs List
| عمج Pronoun | they | ضمير | هُمَا| Number | dual عدد | تثنِيه | Gender | fem. | جنس | مؤنّث | | Person: | 3rd. person | غاىٔب |

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Particle (conj.) if, in case; whether | إِنْ | wa | fa | la
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Jussive Imperfect
يَجمَعَ yajma`a