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What is qalqalah?

Qalqala is a term used in Arabic language and Tajweed (the rules of Quranic recitation) to describe the bouncing or echoing sound produced when pronouncing certain Arabic letters (consonants) known as the Qalqala letters. These letters are ق، ط، ب، ج، د, and when they appear with sukoon (a diacritic mark indicating the absence of a vowel sound) in the middle or end of a word, they are pronounced with a bouncing sound known as qalqala.

Qalqalah String: bZ |
| | Yusuf | Pre Ayat ← 36 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 5. Joseph Preaches in Prison | | → Next Ruku|
Translation: Two other slaves also entered into the prison along with him. One day one of them said, "I dreamed that I am pressing grapes into wine," and the other said, "I dreamed that I am carrying loaves of bread on my head, of which birds are eating. " Then both of them said, "Tell us their interpretations, for we have seen that you are a righteous man."
Translit: Wadakhala maAAahu alssijna fatayani qala ahaduhuma innee aranee aAAsiru khamran waqala alakharu innee aranee ahmilu fawqa rasee khubzan takulu alttayru minhu nabbina bitaweelihi inna naraka mina almuhsineena
0 wadakhala
1 maAAahu | مَعَهُ | with him Combined Particles ma`ahu
2 alssijnaalssijna
3 fatayanitaya
4 qalaqala
5 ahaduhumaahaduhuma
6 inneeinniy
7 araneearaniy
8 aAAsirua`siru
9 khamrankhamran
10 waqalaqa
11 alakharualakharu
12 inneeinniy
13 araneearaniy
14 ahmiluahmilu
15 fawqa | فَوْقَ | up, upstairs, on top, above, over; on, on top of; beyond, more than |adv.| Combined Particles w
16 raseerasiy
17 khubzankhubzan
18 takulutakulu
19 alttayrualttayru
20 minhu | مِنْهُ | from him Combined Particles minhu
21 nabbinanabbina
22 bitaweelihibitawiylihi
23 inna | إِنَّ | verily Combined Particles inna
24 narakanaraka
25 mina | مِنَْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles mina
26 almuhsineenaalmuhsiniyna