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hit counterQurandb Learning Arabic is the best way to understand the meanings of the Holy Quran. || FAQs ||Features ||MCQs | |TDB | |Arafat | |Tawaf | |Saee | |Umrah | |Quranic Dictionary |
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 0 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Translit: Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
0 | Bismi
1 | Allahi | ٱللَّهِ | genitive | Allah Religious Terms
2 | alrrahmani | ٱلْرَّحْمَانِ | nominative | pity, compassion, human understanding, sympathy, kindness, mercy | ٱلْرَّحْمَـٰنِ | genitive | rahman
3 | alrraheemi | ٱلْرَّحِيمِ | genitive | raheem
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 1 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:They ask you concerning the bounties? Say, "The bounties belong to Allah and the Messenger. So fear Allah and set things aright among yourselves; obey Allah and His Messenger, if you are true believers.
Translit: Yasaloonaka AAani alanfali quli alanfalu lillahi waalrrasooli faittaqoo Allaha waaslihoo thata baynikum waateeAAoo Allaha warasoolahu in kuntum mumineena
0 | Yasaloonaka
1 | AAani
2 | alanfali
3 | quli
4 | alanfalu
5 | lillahi
6 | waalrrasooli
7 | faittaqoo
8 | Allaha | ٱللَّهَ | accusative | Allah Religious Terms
9 | waaslihoo
10 | thata
11 | baynikum | بَيْنِكُمْ | | | |
12 | waateeAAoo
13 | Allaha | ٱللَّهَ | accusative | Allah Religious Terms
14 | warasoolahu
15 | in | إِنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Conditional Particle
16 | kuntum كُنْتُمْ | were Kana Perfect
17 | mumineena
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 2 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:"True believers are only those whose hearts tremble with awe, whenever Allah is mentioned to them; whose faith increases when the revelations of Allah are recited to them; who put their trust in their Lord,
Translit: Innama almuminoona allatheena itha thukira Allahu wajilat quloobuhum waitha tuliyat AAalayhim ayatuhu zadathum eemanan waAAala rabbihim yatawakkaloona
0 | Innama
1 | almuminoona
2 | allatheena | ٱلَّذِينَ | those | | Relative Pronoun
3 | itha | إِذَا |
4 | thukira | ذُكِرَ | 16 | remind | Passive Past | Form Regular | ذُكِرَا | 16 | remind | Passive Past | Form Regular | ذُكِرَ | 36 | negotiate | Passive Past | Form Regular | ذُكِرَا | 36 | negotiate | Passive Past | Form Regular | ذُكِرَ | 55 | remember | bear in mind | Passive Past | Form Regular | ذُكِرَا | 55 | remember | bear in mind | Passive Past | Form Regular
5 | Allahu | ٱللَّهُ | nominative | Allah Religious Terms
6 | wajilat
7 | quloobuhum
8 | waitha | وَإِذَا | 2. |conj. with following subject| not (referring to the future) Combined Partcles
9 | tuliyat
10 | AAalayhim | عَلَيْهِمْ | | | |
11 | ayatuhu
12 | zadathum
13 | eemanan
14 | waAAala | وَعَلَىٰ | | وَعَلَىٰ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
15 | rabbihim
16 | yatawakkaloona
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 3 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:who establish Salat and spend in Our way out of what we have given them.
Translit: Allatheena yuqeemoona alssalata wamimma razaqnahum yunfiqoona
0 | Allatheena
1 | yuqeemoona
2 | alssalata | ٱلْصَّلَوٰةَ | accusative | Prayer
3 | wamimma | وَمِمَّا | why, for what | Interrrogative Pronoun | وَمِمَّا | where (place and direction); wherever, since, as, due to the fact that; whereas |conj.| Combined Partcles
4 | razaqnahum
5 | yunfiqoona | يُنْفِقُونَ | Active Present | Form IV | 43 | spend/expend
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 4 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Such people are indeed true believers; they have high ranks with their Lord and forgiveness for their sins and most generous provisions.
Translit: Olaika humu almuminoona haqqan lahum darajatun AAinda rabbihim wamaghfiratun warizqun kareemun
0 | Olaika
1 | humuهُمُ | | | | they Subject Pronoun
2 | almuminoona
3 | haqqan | حَقًّا | common accusative | truth, correctness, rightness, rightful posession, property; authentic | حَقًّا | common accusative | haqq
4 | lahum | لَهُم | | | | truly, verily, certainly |intensifying particles|; by, at, in, with | prep. | | them Conjunction | Object Pronoun | لَهُمْ | | | |
5 | darajatun | دَرَجَةٌ | common nominative | daraj | دَرَجَتٌ | nominative | daraj
6 | AAinda | عِندَ | | عِنْدَ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
7 | rabbihim
8 | wamaghfiratun
9 | warizqun | وَرِزْقٌ | common nominative | rizq
10 | kareemun | كَرِيمٌ | common nominative | kareem
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 5 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:(Now in regard to the spoils the same thing is happening again which happened when) your Lord had brought you forth from your home with the Truth, for some of the Believers were very much averse to it:
Translit: Kama akhrajaka rabbuka min baytika bialhaqqi wainna fareeqan mina almumineena lakarihoona
0 | Kama
1 | akhrajaka
2 | rabbuka
3 | min | مِنْ | | مِنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
4 | baytika
5 | bialhaqqi | بِٱلْحَقِّ | genitive | truth, correctness, rightness, rightful posession, property; authentic | بِٱلْحَقِّ | genitive | haqq
6 | wainna | وَإِنَّ |
7 | fareeqan
8 | mina | مِنَ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
9 | almumineena
10 | lakarihoona
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 6 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:they were arguing with you concerning the truth, though it had become quite evident; they were filled with awe as if they were being driven towards death with their eyes wide open.
Translit: Yujadiloonaka fee alhaqqi baAAdama tabayyana kaannama yusaqoona ila almawti wahum yanthuroona
0 | Yujadiloonaka
1 | fee | فِي | | فِي | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
2 | alhaqqi | ٱلْحَقِّ | genitive | truth, correctness, rightness, rightful posession, property; authentic | ٱلْحَقِّ | genitive | haqq
3 | baAAdama
4 | tabayyana
5 | kaannama
6 | yusaqoona
7 | ila | إِلَىٰ | | إِلَىٰ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
8 | almawti | ٱلْمَوْتِ | genitive | mawt
9 | wahum | وَهُم | | | | and | conj. | | them Conjunction | Object Pronoun
10 | yanthuroona | يَنْذُرُونَ | Active Present | Form Regular | 152 | vow
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 7 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Remember the occasion when Allah was holding out to you the promise that one of the two hosts would fall to you: you wished the weaker host should fall to you: but Allah willed to prove by His words the Truth to be truth and to cut across the roots of the disbelievers
Translit: Waith yaAAidukumu Allahu ihda alttaifatayni annaha lakum watawaddoona anna ghayra thati alshshawkati takoonu lakum wayureedu Allahu an yuhiqqa alhaqqa bikalimatihi wayaqtaAAa dabira alkafireena
0 | waith
1 | yaAAidukumu
2 | Allahu | ٱللَّهُ | nominative | Allah Religious Terms
3 | ihda
4 | alttaifatayni | ٱلْطَّائِفَتَيْنِ | accusative | taif | ٱلْطَّائِفَتَيْنِ | genitive | taif
5 | annaha | أَنَّهَا | | | |
6 | lakum | لَكُمْ | | | | truly, verily, certainly |intensifying particles|; by, at, in, with | prep. | | you Conjunction | Object Pronoun | لَكُمْ | | | |
7 | watawaddoona
8 | anna | أَنَّ | when| Interrrogative Pronoun | أَنَّ | | أَنَّ |
9 | ghayra | غَيرَ | accusative | except
10 | thati
11 | alshshawkati
12 | takoonu تَكُونُ | will be Kana imperfect
13 | lakum | لَكُمْ | | | | truly, verily, certainly |intensifying particles|; by, at, in, with | prep. | | you Conjunction | Object Pronoun | لَكُمْ | | | |
14 | wayureedu
15 | Allahu | ٱللَّهُ | nominative | Allah Religious Terms
16 | an | أَنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | SubPart
17 | yuhiqqa
18 | alhaqqa | ٱلْحَقَّ | accusative | truth, correctness, rightness, rightful posession, property; authentic | ٱلْحَقَّ | accusative | haqq
19 | bikalimatihi
20 | wayaqtaAAa
21 | dabira | دَبِرَ | 13 | make arrangements | Active Past | Form Regular | دَبِرَا | 13 | make arrangements | Active Past | Form Regular | دَابِرَ | Active Participle | Form Regular | دَابِرَا | Active Imperative | Form III | 13 | make arrangements | دَابِرَا | Active Imperative | Form III | 13 | make arrangements | دَبِرَ | 54 | be prepared | planned | Active Past | Form Regular | دَبِرَا | 54 | be prepared | planned | Active Past | Form Regular | دَابِرَ | Active Participle | Form Regular | دَابِرَا | Active Imperative | Form III | 54 | be prepared | planned | دَابِرَا | Active Imperative | Form III | 54 | be prepared | planned
22 | alkafireena
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 8 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:so that the Truth should come out as truth and falsehood should be proved to be falsehood, even though the evil-doers did not like it.
Translit: Liyuhiqqa alhaqqa wayubtila albatila walaw kariha almujrimoona
0 | Liyuhiqqa
1 | alhaqqa | ٱلْحَقَّ | accusative | truth, correctness, rightness, rightful posession, property; authentic | ٱلْحَقَّ | accusative | haqq
2 | wayubtila
3 | albatila
4 | walaw | وَلَوْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | SubPart | وَلَوْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Conditional Particle
5 | kariha
6 | almujrimoona
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 9 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And when you were praying to Allah for succor, He answered, "I am sending for your succor one thousand angels, one after another".
Translit: Ith tastagheethoona rabbakum faistajaba lakum annee mumiddukum bialfin mina almalaikati murdifeena
0 | Ith
1 | tastagheethoona
2 | rabbakum
3 | faistajaba
4 | lakum | لَكُمْ | | | | truly, verily, certainly |intensifying particles|; by, at, in, with | prep. | | you Conjunction | Object Pronoun | لَكُمْ | | | |
5 | annee
6 | mumiddukum
7 | bialfin
8 | mina | مِنَ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
9 | almalaikati
10 | murdifeena
| | Al-Anfal | Pre Ayat ← 10 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Battle of Badr | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Allah told you this thing only as a good news for you, and to comfort your hearts: although succor is always from Allah: indeed Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise.
Translit: Wama jaAAalahu Allahu illa bushra walitatmainna bihi quloobukum wama alnnasru illa min AAindi Allahi inna Allaha AAazeezun hakeemun
0 | wama
1 | jaAAalahu
2 | Allahu | ٱللَّهُ | nominative | Allah Religious Terms
3 | illa | إِلَّا | | إِلَّا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Negatives
4 | bushra | بُشْرَ | accusative | bushr
5 | walitatmainna
6 | bihi | بِهِۧ | | | |
7 | quloobukum
8 | wama | وَمَا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Perfect
9 | alnnasru
10 | illa | إِلَّا | | إِلَّا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Negatives
11 | min | مِنْ | | مِنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
12 | AAindi | عِنْدِ |
13 | Allahi | ٱللَّهِ | genitive | Allah Religious Terms
14 | inna | إِنَّ |
15 | Allaha | ٱللَّهَ | accusative | Allah Religious Terms
16 | AAazeezun | عَزِيزٌ | common nominative | AAazeez
17 | hakeemun | حَكِيمٌ | common nominative | hakeem