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| | Al-Furqan | Pre Ayat ← 35 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Lesson in Fate of Former People | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:We gave Moses the Book and appointed his brother Aaron as his counselor:
Translit: Walaqad atayna moosa alkitaba wajaAAalna maAAahu akhahu haroona wazeeran
0 | walaqad
1 | atayna
2 | moosa | مُوسَىَٰ | accusative | Moses Religious Terms
3 | alkitaba | ٱلْكِتَابَ | accusative | book | ٱلْكِتَابَ | accusative | kitab
4 | wajaAAalna
5 | maAAahu | مَعَهُ ۥ | | | |
6 | akhahu
7 | haroona | هَـٰرُونَ | accusative | Aaron Religious Terms
8 | wazeeran
| | Al-Furqan | Pre Ayat ← 36 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Lesson in Fate of Former People | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:then We said to them, "Go to the people who have treated Our Revelations as false." So We annihilated those people utterly.
Translit: Faqulna ithhaba ila alqawmi allatheena kaththaboo biayatina fadammarnahum tadmeeran
0 | Faqulna
1 | ithhaba
2 | ila | إِلَىٰ | | إِلَىٰ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
3 | alqawmi | ٱلْقَوْمِ | genitive | qawm
4 | allatheena | ٱلَّذِينَ | those | | Relative Pronoun
5 | kaththaboo | كَذَّبُوا۟ | Active Past | Form II | 10 | accuse of lying
6 | biayatina
7 | fadammarnahum
8 | tadmeeran
| | Al-Furqan | Pre Ayat ← 37 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Lesson in Fate of Former People | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:The same was the case with the people of Noah when they charged the Messenger with imposture. We drowned them and made them a sign of warning for entire mankind, and We have prepared a painful chastisement for the unjust.
Translit: Waqawma noohin lamma kaththaboo alrrusula aghraqnahum wajaAAalnahum lilnnasi ayatan waaAAtadna lilththalimeena AAathaban aleeman
0 | waqawma
1 | noohin | نُوحٍ | common genitive | Noah Religious Terms
2 | lamma | لَمَّا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Jussive
3 | kaththaboo | كَذَّبُوا۟ | Active Past | Form II | 10 | accuse of lying
4 | alrrusula
5 | aghraqnahum
6 | wajaAAalnahum
7 | lilnnasi
8 | ayatan
9 | waaAAtadna
10 | lilththalimeena
11 | AAathaban | عَذَابًا | common accusative | AAathab | عَذَابًا | common accusative | torment, pain, suffering, agony, torture, punishment, chastisement, castigation Religious Terms
12 | aleeman
| | Al-Furqan | Pre Ayat ← 38 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Lesson in Fate of Former People | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Likewise were destroyed the `Ad and the Thamud and the people of the Rass, and many a generation in between.
Translit: WaAAadan wathamooda waashaba alrrassi waquroonan bayna thalika katheeran
0 | waAAadan
1 | wathamooda | وَثَمُودَ | accusative | Thamood
2 | waashaba
3 | alrrassi
4 | waquroonan
5 | bayna | بَيْنَ |
6 | thalika | ذَالِكَ | that | | Demonstrative Pronoun Far
7 | katheeran | كَثِيرًا | common accusative | katheer
| | Al-Furqan | Pre Ayat ← 39 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Lesson in Fate of Former People | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:We admonished each one of them by citing the examples (of those who were destroyed before them) and ultimately annihilated all of them.
Translit: Wakullan darabna lahu alamthala wakullan tabbarna tatbeeran
0 | wakullan
1 | darabna
2 | lahu | لَهُ | | | | truly, verily, certainly |intensifying particles|; by, at, in, with | prep. | | him Conjunction | Object Pronoun | لَهُ ۥ | | | |
3 | alamthala
4 | wakullan | وَكُلًّا | common accusative | kull | وَكُلًّا | common accusative | kull
5 | tabbarna
6 | tatbeeran
| | Al-Furqan | Pre Ayat ← 40 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Lesson in Fate of Former People | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Surely, these people have passed by that habitation on which was rained an evil rain; have they not seen its ruins ? But they do not expect another life in the Hereafter.
Translit: Walaqad ataw AAala alqaryati allatee omtirat matara alssawi afalam yakoonoo yarawnaha bal kanoo la yarjoona nushooran
0 | walaqad
1 | ataw
2 | AAala | عَلَىٰ | | عَلَىٰ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
3 | alqaryati | ٱلْقَرْيَةِ | genitive | concerning
4 | allatee | ٱلَّتِي | that | | Relative Pronoun
5 | omtirat
6 | matara
7 | alssawi
8 | afalam
9 | yakoonoo
10 | yarawnaha
11 | bal | بَلْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Negatives
12 | kanoo كَانُوا | were Kana Perfect
13 | la | لَ | | لَا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Conjunction
14 | yarjoona
15 | nushooran
| | Al-Furqan | Pre Ayat ← 41 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Lesson in Fate of Former People | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:When these people see you, they scoff at you, (saying), "Is this the man whom Allah has sent as His Messenger?
Translit: Waitha raawka in yattakhithoonaka illa huzuwan ahatha allathee baAAatha Allahu rasoolan
0 | waitha
1 | raawka
2 | in | إِنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Conditional Particle
3 | yattakhithoonaka
4 | illa | إِلَّا | | إِلَّا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Negatives
5 | huzuwan
6 | ahatha
7 | allathee | ٱلَّذِي | that | | Relative Pronoun
8 | baAAatha
9 | Allahu | ٱللَّهُ | nominative | Allah Religious Terms
10 | rasoolan
| | Al-Furqan | Pre Ayat ← 42 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Lesson in Fate of Former People | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:He had almost led us astray from our gods, had we not remained firm in our faith with regard to them." The time is not far when they will see the torment and realize who had strayed far from the truth.
Translit: In kada layudilluna AAan alihatina lawla an sabarna AAalayha wasawfa yaAAlamoona heena yarawna alAAathaba man adallu sabeelan
0 | In
1 | kada
2 | layudilluna
3 | AAan | عَنْ | | عَنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Separable Preposition
4 | alihatina
5 | lawla | لَولَا |
6 | an | أَنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | SubPart
7 | sabarna
8 | AAalayha | عَلَيْهَا | | | |
9 | wasawfa | وَسَوْفَ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Imperfect
10 | yaAAlamoona | يَعْلَمُونَ | Active Present | Form Regular | 7 | teach | يَعْلَمُونَ | Active Present | Form Regular | 63 | learn | study |
11 | heena | حِينَ |
12 | yarawna
13 | alAAathaba | ٱلْعَذَابَ | accusative | AAathab
14 | man | مَن | who? which one? |interr. pron.| the one who | relative pron. || Interrrogative Pronoun
15 | adallu
16 | sabeelan
| | Al-Furqan | Pre Ayat ← 43 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Lesson in Fate of Former People | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Have you ever considered the case of the person who has made his lust his god?
Translit: Araayta mani ittakhatha ilahahu hawahu afaanta takoonu AAalayhi wakeelan
0 | Araayta
1 | mani
2 | ittakhatha
3 | ilahahu
4 | hawahu
5 | afaanta
6 | takoonu تَكُونُ | will be Kana imperfect
7 | AAalayhi | عَلَيْهِۧ | | | |
8 | wakeelan | وَكِيلًا | common accusative | wakeel
| | Al-Furqan | Pre Ayat ← 44 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. Lesson in Fate of Former People | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Can you take the responsibility of guiding such a one aright? Do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are only like the cattle; nay, even worse than the cattle.
Translit: Am tahsabu anna aktharahum yasmaAAoona aw yaAAqiloona in hum illa kaalanAAami bal hum adallu sabeelan
0 | Am
1 | tahsabu | تَحْسَبُ | Active Present | Form Regular | 166 | think | تَحْسَبُ | Active Present | Form Regular | 166 | think
2 | anna | أَنَّ | when| Interrrogative Pronoun | أَنَّ | | أَنَّ |
3 | aktharahum
4 | yasmaAAoona | يَسْمَعُونَ | Active Present | Form Regular | 2 | hear
5 | aw
6 | yaAAqiloona | يَعْقِلُونَ | Active Present | Form Regular | 164 | understand
7 | in | إِنْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Conditional Particle
8 | hum | هُم | | | | them Object Pronoun
9 | illa | إِلَّا | | إِلَّا | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Negatives
10 | kaalanAAami
11 | bal | بَلْ | never; ever; at all (chiefly with the past tense in negative senses) | Negatives
12 | hum | هُم | | | | them Object Pronoun
13 | adallu
14 | sabeelan