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hit counterQurandb Learning Arabic is the best way to understand the meanings of the Holy Quran. || FAQs ||Features ||MCQs | |TDB | |Arafat | |Tawaf | |Saee | |Umrah | |Quranic Dictionary |
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 0 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Translit: Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
0 Bismi |details|
1 Allahi |details|
2 alrrahmani |details|
3 alrraheemi |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 1 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:O you who lies wrapped up,
Translit: Ya ayyuha almuddaththiru
0 Ya |details|
1 ayyuha |details|
2 almuddaththiru |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 2 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:arise and warn
Translit: Qum faanthir
0 Qum |details|
1 faanthir |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 3 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:and proclaim the greatness of your Lord.
Translit: Warabbaka fakabbir
0 Warabbaka |details|
1 fakabbir |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 4 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And keep your garments pure,
Translit: Wathiyabaka fatahhir
0 Wathiyabaka |details|
1 fatahhir |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 5 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:and avoid filth,
Translit: Waalrrujza faohjur
0 Waalrrujza |details|
1 faohjur |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 6 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:and do not favor (others) expecting to get more,
Translit: Wala tamnun tastakthiru
0 Wala |details|
1 tamnun |details|
2 tastakthiru |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 7 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:and be patient for the sake of your Lord.
Translit: Walirabbika faisbir
0 Walirabbika |details|
1 faisbir |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 8 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:When the Trumpet is blown,
Translit: Faitha nuqira fee alnnaqoori
0 Faitha |details|
1 nuqira |details|
2 fee |details|
3 alnnaqoori |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 9 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:it shall be a very hard Day,
Translit: Fathalika yawmaithin yawmun AAaseerun
0 Fathalika |details|
1 yawmaithin |details|
2 yawmun |details|
3 AAaseerun |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 10 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:not easy for the disbelievers.
Translit: AAala alkafireena ghayru yaseerin
0 AAala |details|
1 alkafireena |details|
2 ghayru |details|
3 yaseerin |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 11 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Leave Me and the person whom I created alone.
Translit: Tharnee waman khalaqtu waheedan
0 Tharnee |details|
1 waman |details|
2 khalaqtu |details|
3 waheedan |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 12 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:I gave him ample wealth
Translit: WajaAAaltu lahu malan mamdoodan
0 WajaAAaltu |details|
1 lahu |details|
2 malan |details|
3 mamdoodan |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 13 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:and sons to be present by his side,
Translit: Wabaneena shuhoodan
0 Wabaneena |details|
1 shuhoodan |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 14 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:and smoothed for him the way to his leadership (and prosperity).
Translit: Wamahhadtu lahu tamheedan
0 Wamahhadtu |details|
1 lahu |details|
2 tamheedan |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 15 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Yet he desires that I should give him more.
Translit: Thumma yatmaAAu an azeeda
0 Thumma |details|
1 yatmaAAu |details|
2 an |details|
3 azeeda |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 16 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:No, never! He is hostile to Our Revelations.
Translit: Kalla innahu kana liayatina AAaneedan
0 Kalla |details|
1 innahu |details|
2 kana |details|
3 liayatina |details|
4 AAaneedan |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 17 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:I shall soon make him ascend a hard ascent.
Translit: Saorhiquhu saAAoodan
0 Saorhiquhu |details|
1 saAAoodan |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 18 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:He pondered and tried to devise a plan.
Translit: Innahu fakkara waqaddara
0 Innahu |details|
1 fakkara |details|
2 waqaddara |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 19 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:May God destroy him: what he tried to devise!
Translit: Faqutila kayfa qaddara
0 Faqutila |details|
1 kayfa |details|
2 qaddara |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 20 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Yes, may God destroy him, what he tried to devise!
Translit: Thumma qutila kayfa qaddara
0 Thumma |details|
1 qutila |details|
2 kayfa |details|
3 qaddara |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 21 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Then he looked around,
Translit: Thumma nathara
0 Thumma |details|
1 nathara |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 22 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:then he frowned and scowled,
Translit: Thumma AAabasa wabasara
0 Thumma |details|
1 AAabasa |details|
2 wabasara |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 23 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:then he turned his back and showed arrogance.
Translit: Thumma adbara waistakbara
0 Thumma |details|
1 adbara |details|
2 waistakbara |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 24 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:At last, he said, "This is nothing but magic, handed down from the past;
Translit: Faqala in hatha illa sihrun yutharu
0 Faqala |details|
1 in |details|
2 hatha |details|
3 illa |details|
4 sihrun |details|
5 yutharu |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 25 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:nothing but the word of a mere mortal.
Translit: In hatha illa qawlu albashari
0 In |details|
1 hatha |details|
2 illa |details|
3 qawlu |details|
4 albashari |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 26 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Very soon I shall cast him into Hell.
Translit: Saosleehi saqara
0 Saosleehi |details|
1 saqara |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 27 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:And what do you know what Hell is?
Translit: Wama adraka ma saqaru
0 Wama |details|
1 adraka |details|
2 ma |details|
3 saqaru |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 28 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:It leaves nothing and it spares none.
Translit: La tubqee wala tatharu
0 La |details|
1 tubqee |details|
2 wala |details|
3 tatharu |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 29 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:It scorches the skin.
Translit: Lawwahatun lilbashari
0 Lawwahatun |details|
1 lilbashari |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 30 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Nineteen keepers are appointed over it.
Translit: AAalayha tisAAata AAashara
0 AAalayha |details|
1 tisAAata |details|
2 AAashara |details|
| | Al-Muddath-thir | Pre Ayat ← 31 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. The Prophet enjoined to warn | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:We have appointed only angels as the keepers of Hell, and have made their number a trial for the disbelievers, so that the people of the Book are convinced and the believers are increased in their faith, and the people of the Book and the believers may have no doubts, and the sick of the heart and the disbelievers may say, "What could Allah mean by this strange parable?" In this way Allah leads astray whom He wills and gives guidance to whom He wills, and none knows the hosts of your Lord but He Himself. And Hell has been mentioned so that the people may take heed.
Translit: Wama jaAAalna ashaba alnnari illa malaikatan wama jaAAalna AAiddatahum illa fitnatan lillatheena kafaroo liyastayqina allatheena ootoo alkitaba wayazdada allatheena amanoo eemanan wala yartaba allatheena ootoo alkitaba waalmuminoona waliyaqoola allatheena fee quloobihim maradun waalkafiroona matha arada Allahu bihatha mathalan kathalika yudillu Allahu man yashao wayahdee man yashao wama yaAAlamu junooda rabbika illa huwa wama hiya illa thikra lilbashari
0 Wama |details|
1 jaAAalna |details|
2 ashaba |details|
3 alnnari |details|
4 illa |details|
5 malaikatan |details|
6 wama |details|
7 jaAAalna |details|
8 AAiddatahum |details|
9 illa |details|
10 fitnatan |details|
11 lillatheena |details|
12 kafaroo |details|
13 liyastayqina |details|
14 allatheena |details|
15 ootoo |details|
16 alkitaba |details|
17 wayazdada |details|
18 allatheena |details|
19 amanoo |details|
20 eemanan |details|
21 wala |details|
22 yartaba |details|
23 allatheena |details|
24 ootoo |details|
25 alkitaba |details|
26 waalmuminoona |details|
27 waliyaqoola |details|
28 allatheena |details|
29 fee |details|
30 quloobihim |details|
31 maradun |details|
32 waalkafiroona |details|
33 matha |details|
34 arada |details|
35 Allahu |details|
36 bihatha |details|
37 mathalan |details|
38 kathalika |details|
39 yudillu |details|
40 Allahu |details|
41 man |details|
42 yashao |details|
43 wayahdee |details|
44 man |details|
45 yashao |details|
46 wama |details|
47 yaAAlamu |details|
48 junooda |details|
49 rabbika |details|
50 illa |details|
51 huwa |details|
52 wama |details|
53 hiya |details|
54 illa |details|
55 thikra |details|
56 lilbashari |details|