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(a)lssabiyli [2]

Az-Zukhruf | 43:37|
|These satans hinder such people from the right way while they think that they are guided aright.

| 043.:037 [KSU] | wa_innahum. | layaSudduwnahum. | AAani | (a)lssabiyli | wayaH.sabuwna | _annahum. | muh.taduwna

Al-Hashr | 59:7|
|Whatever Allah restored to His Messenger from the people of the settlements, belongs to Allah and the Messenger and the kinsfolk and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarers, so that it does not remain circulating among your rich people only. Take whatever the Messenger gives you and refrain from whatever he forbids you. Fear Allah, for Allah is stern in inflicting punishment.

| 059.:007 [KSU] | mmaA~ | _afaA~?a | Allahu | `alaYE | rasuwlihI | min. | _ah.li | (a)l.quraYE | falillahi | walilrrasuwli | walidhiy | (a)l.qur.baYE | wa(a)l.yataEmaYE | wa(a)l.masaEkiyni | wa(a)b.ni | (a)lssabiyli | kay | laA | yakuwna | duwla(t)(an) | [m] | bay.na | (a)l_agh.niyaA~?i | min.kum. | [j] | wamaA | ?aAtaYEkumu | (a)l.rrasuwlu | fakhudhuwhu | wamaA | nahaYEkum. | `an.hu | fa(a)n.tahuwA[0] | [j] | wa(a)ttaquwA[0] | Allaha | [sly] | _inna | Allaha | shadiydu | (a)l.`iqaAbi

Al-Mumtahinah | 60:1|
|O you who have believed, if you have come out (from your homes and emigrated) in order to fight in My way and to seek My goodwill, then do not make friends with My enemies and your enemies. You show them friendship even though they have refused to believe in the Truth that has come to you, while they drive out the Messenger and you away only because you believe in Allah, your Lord. You send them friendly messages secretly, whereas I know full well whatever you do secretly and whatever you do openly. Whoever from among you does so, has indeed gone astray from the right way.

| 060.:001 [KSU] | yaA | _ayyuhaA | (a)lladhiyna | ?aAmanuwA[0] | laA | tattakhidhuwA[0] | `aduwwiy | wa`aduwwakum. | _aw.liyaA~?a | tul.quwna | _ilay.him. | bi(a)l.mawadda(t)i | waqad. | kafaruwA[0] | bimaA | jaA~?akum. | mina | (a)l.Haqqi | yukh.rijuwna | (a)lrrasuwla | wa_iyyaAkum. | [lA] | _an. | tuwe.minuw. | biAllahi | rabbikum. | _in. | kun.tum. | kharaj.tum. | jihaEd(an)A | fiy | sabiyliy | wa(a)b.tighaA~?a | mar.DaAtiy | tusirruwna | _ilay.him. | bi(a)l.mawadda(t)i | wa_anaA[0] | _a`.lamu | bimaA | _akh.fay.tum. | wamaA | _a`.lan.tum. | waman. | yaf.`alhu | min.kum. | faqad. | Dalla | sawaA~?a | (a)lssabiyli