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An-Nisa | 4:97|
|When the angels seized the souls of those who were ding wrong to their own souls they asked them, "What was the matter with you?" They answered, "We were oppressed in the land." The angels replied, "Was not Allahs earth spacious for you to emigrate in it?" Hell is the abode of such people and it is a very evil abode indeed.

| 004.:097 [KSU] | _inna | (a)lladhiyna | tawaffEahumu | (a)l.malaY_eika(t)u | ZaAlimiy~ | _anfusihim. | qaAluwA[0] | fiymaA | kun.tum. | qaAluwA[0] | kunnaA | mustaD.`afiyna | fiy | (a)l._ar.Di | qaAluwA[0] | _alam | takun. | _ar.Du | Allahi | waEs.i`a(t)(an) | fatuhaAjiruwA[0] | fiyha | fa_uw[0]laEY_eika | maAe[0]waEhum. | jahannamu[sly] | wasaA~?at. | maSiyr(an)A

An-Nahal | 16:114|
|So, O people, eat of the lawful and pure provisions with which Allah has blessed you and show gratitude113 to Allah for His favors, if you are sincerely obedient to Him.

| 016.:114 [KSU] | fakuluwA[0] | mimmaA | razaqakumu | Allahu | HalaEl(an)A | Tayyib(an) | wa_ush.kuruwA[0] | niAA.mata | Allahi | _in. | kun.tum. | _iyyaAhu | taAA.buduwna

Ha-Meem-Sajdah | 41:44|
|Had We sent this Qur'an in a foreign tongue, the people would have said, "Why have not its verses been well expounded? What! The scripture in a foreign language and the listeners are Arabs? Say to them, 'This Qur'an is a guidance and a healing for the believers, but to those who do not believe, it is a plug in their ears and a covering over their eyes. It is as though they are being summoned from afar.

| 041.:044 [KSU] | Wa | law. | jaAAal.nahu | qur.?an(an)A | _aAA.jamiyy(an)A | llaqaAluwA[0] | law. | laA | fuSSilat. | ?aAyaEtuhU~ | ?aA[0]AA.jamiyy(un) | wwa | AAarabiyy(un)[qly] | qul. | huwa | lilladhiy.na | _aAmanuwA[0] | hud(an)Y | wa | shifaA~?(un) | wwa | (a)lladhiy.na | laA | yuwe.minuwna | fiy~ | ?aAdhaAnihim. | waqr(un) | wwa | huwa | AAalay.him. | AAam(an)Y | [j] | _uw[0]laE~Y_eika | yunaAdaw.na | min. | makaAn(in) | [-m] | baAAiy.d(in)

Ash-Shoora | 42:42|
|for blameworthy indeed are those who oppress others and commit excesses in the land without any right. For such people there is a painful torment.

| 042.:042 [KSU] | Innama | alssabeelu | AAala | (a)lladhiyna | | yathlimoona | alnnasa | wayabghoona | fee | (a)l._ar.Di | bighayri | alhaqqi | _uw[0]laAE~Y_eika | lahum. | AAathabun. | aleemun

Az-Zukhruf | 43:46|
|We sent Moses with Our Signs42 to Pharaoh and his chiefs, and he said to them, "I am a Messenger of the Lord of the worlds."

| 043.:046 [KSU] | walaqad. | _arsal.naA | muwsaYE | bi_ayaEtinaA~ | _ilaYE | fir.AAawna | wamala_iy[0]hI | faqaAla | _inniy | rasuwlu | rabbi | (a)l.AAalamiyna