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AAi [727]

Az-Zariyat | 51:26|
|Then he went quietly to his family and brought out a fatted (roasted) calf

| 051.:026 [KSU] | Faragha | ila | ahlihi | fajaa | biAAijlin | sameenin

An-Najam | 53:15|
|nearby which is the Garden of Repose.

| 053.:015 [KSU] | AAindaha | jannatu | almawa

Al-Qamar | 54:8|
|They will be rushing towards the Caller and the same disbelievers (who denied it in the world) shall say, "This indeed is a hard day!"

| 054.:008 [KSU] | MuhtiAAeena | ila | alddaAAi | yaqoolu | alkafiroona | hatha | yawmun | AAasirun

Al-Qamar | 54:55|
|in a place of true honor, in the Presence of a most Powerful King.

| 054.:055 [KSU] | Fee | maqAAadi | sidqin | AAinda | maleekin | muqtadirin

Al-Hadid | 57:21|
|Therefore, strive in rivalry with one another in hastening towards the Paradise the vastness of which is like the vastness of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who have believed in Allah and His Messengers. This is Allah's bounty which He bestows on whomever He wills, and Allah's bounty is immense!

| 057.:021 [KSU] | Sabiqoo | ila | maghfiratin | min | rabbikum | wajannatin | AAarduha | kaAAardi | alssamai | waalardi | oAAiddat | lillatheena | amanoo | biAllahi | warusulihi | thalika | fadlu | Allahi | yuteehi | man | yashao | waAllahu | thoo | alfadli | alAAatheemi