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AAiddata [4]

At-Talaq | 65:1|
|O Prophet, when you (and the believers) divorce women, divorce them for their prescribed waiting-periods, and count the waiting-period accurately, and fear Allah, you Lord. And do not turn them out of their houses (during the waiting-period), not should they themselves leave them, except in case they commit an open indecency. These are the bounds prescribed by Allah and whoever transgresses Allah' bounds will wrong his own self. You do not know: Allah may after this bring about a situation (of reconciliation).

| 065.:001 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | alnnabiyyu | itha | tallaqtumu | alnnisaa | fatalliqoohunna | liAAiddatihinna | waahsoo | alAAiddata | waittaqoo | Allaha | rabbakum | la | tukhrijoohunna | min | buyootihinna | wala | yakhrujna | illa | an | yateena | bifahishatin | mubayyinatin | watilka | hudoodu | Allahi | waman | yataAAadda | hudooda | Allahi | faqad | thalama | nafsahu | la | tadree | laAAalla | Allaha | yuhdithu | baAAda | thalika | amran

Al-Muddath-thir | 74:31|
|We have appointed only angels as the keepers of Hell, and have made their number a trial for the disbelievers, so that the people of the Book are convinced and the believers are increased in their faith, and the people of the Book and the believers may have no doubts, and the sick of the heart and the disbelievers may say, "What could Allah mean by this strange parable?" In this way Allah leads astray whom He wills and gives guidance to whom He wills, and none knows the hosts of your Lord but He Himself. And Hell has been mentioned so that the people may take heed.

| 074.:031 [KSU] | Wama | jaAAalna | ashaba | alnnari | illa | malaikatan | wama | jaAAalna | AAiddatahum | illa | fitnatan | lillatheena | kafaroo | liyastayqina | allatheena | ootoo | alkitaba | wayazdada | allatheena | amanoo | eemanan | wala | yartaba | allatheena | ootoo | alkitaba | waalmuminoona | waliyaqoola | allatheena | fee | quloobihim | maradun | waalkafiroona | matha | arada | Allahu | bihatha | mathalan | kathalika | yudillu | Allahu | man | yashao | wayahdee | man | yashao | wama | yaAAlamu | junooda | rabbika | illa | huwa | wama | hiya | illa | thikra | lilbashari