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Daraba [9]

Ibrahim | 14:24|
|Do you not see to what Allah has likened the Pure Word? It is like a good tree which has got deep roots into the earth and whose branches have spread high up into heaven.

| 014.:024 [KSU] | Alam | tara | kayfa | daraba | Allahu | mathalan | kalimatan | tayyibatan | kashajaratin | tayyibatin | asluha | thabitun | wafarAAuha | fee | alssamai

An-Nahal | 16:75|
|Allah cites a similitude (of two men): one of them is a slave, who is owned by another and has no power over anything. There is the other man whom We Ourselves have provided with a fair provision from which he freely spends openly and secretly. (Ask them): "Are these two men equal?"May God be praised! But most people do not understand (this simple thing).

| 016.:075 [KSU] | Daraba | Allahu | mathalan | AAabdan | mamlookan | la | yaqdiru | AAala | shayin | waman | razaqnahu | minna | rizqan | hasanan | fahuwa | yunfiqu | minhu | sirran | wajahran | hal | yastawoona | alhamdu | lillahi | bal | aktharuhum | la | yaAAlamoona

An-Nahal | 16:76|
|Allah cites another similitude of two men. One of them is dumb and deaf and cannot do any work, and has become a burden upon his master; wherever he dispatches him, he does nothing useful. There is the other one, who enjoins justice and follows the Right Way. (Ask them): "Are these two men equal?"

| 016.:076 [KSU] | Wadaraba | Allahu | mathalan | rajulayni | ahaduhuma | abkamu | la | yaqdiru | AAala | shayin | wahuwa | kallun | AAala | mawlahu | aynama | yuwajjihhu | la | yati | bikhayrin | hal | yastawee | huwa | waman | yamuru | bialAAadli | wahuwa | AAala | siratin | mustaqeemin

An-Nahal | 16:112|
|Allah cites the instance of a habitation: it was enjoying a life of peace and security and was receiving its provisions in abundance from every quarter. Hut when it began to show ingratitude towards the favors of Allah, He made its inhabitants taste the consequences of their doings, and inflicted misfortunes of hunger and fear on them.

| 016.:112 [KSU] | Wadaraba | Allahu | mathalan | qaryatan | kanat | aminatan | mutmainnatan | yateeha | rizquha | raghadan | min | kulli | makanin | fakafarat | bianAAumi | Allahi | faathaqaha | Allahu | libasa | aljooAAi | waalkhawfi | bima | kanoo | yasnaAAoona

Ar-Rum | 30:28|
|He draws out a comparison for you from your own selves: Are there among the slaves that you possess any such slaves also who may be sharing with you equally the wealth that We have given you, and you fear them as you fear one another among yourselves? Thus do We present the Revelations clearly for those who use their common sense.

| 030.:028 [KSU] | Daraba | lakum | mathalan | min | anfusikum | hal | lakum | mi | mma | malakat | aymanukum | min | shurakaa | fee | ma | razaqnakum | faantum | feehi | sawaon | takhafoonahum | kakheefatikum | anfusakum | kathalika | nufassilu | alayati | liqawmin | yaAAqiloona