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Faqala [27]

Al-Baqarah | 2:243|
|Have you ever reflected upon the case of those who fled their homes for fear of death, and they were thousands in number? So Allah said to them, "Die"; then He again gave them life. Indeed Allah is bountiful to mankind, but most of the people are ungrateful.

| 002.:243 [KSU] | Alam | tara | ila | allatheena | kharajoo | min | diyarihim | wahum | oloofun | hathara | almawti | faqala | lahumu | Allahu | mootoo | thumma | ahyahum | inna | Allaha | lathoo | fadlin | AAala | alnnasi | walakinna | akthara | alnnasi | la | yashkuroona

Al-Maidah | 5:110|
|Just imagine the occasion, when Allah will say "O Jesus, son of Mary, recall to mind My favor I bestowed upon you and upon your mother: I strengthened you with the Holy Spirit; you talked to the people even in the cradle as you talked when you were grown up; I taught you the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel: by My leave you made from clay the likeness of a bird, and breathed into it, and by My leave it became a living bird; by My leave you healed the born-blind and the lepers; by My leave you brought forth the dead. Also remember that I protected you from the Israelites, when you came to them with clear signs, and the disbelievers among them said, `These signs are nothing but obvious sorcery"

| 005.:110 [KSU] | Ith | qala | Allahu | ya | AAeesa | ibna | maryama | othkur | niAAmatee | AAalayka | waAAala | walidatika | ith | ayyadtuka | biroohi | alqudusi | tukallimu | alnnasa | fee | almahdi | wakahlan | waith | AAallamtuka | alkitaba | waalhikmata | waalttawrata | waalinjeela | waith | takhluqu | mina | altteeni | kahayati | alttayri | biithnee | fatanfukhu | feeha | fatakoonu | tayran | biithnee | watubrio | alakmaha | waalabrasa | biithnee | waith | tukhriju | almawta | biithnee | waith | kafaftu | banee | israeela | AAanka | ith | jitahum | bialbayyinati | faqala | allatheena | kafaroo | minhum | in | hatha | illa | sihr

Al-Aaraf | 7:59|
|We sent Noah to his people;47 he said, "O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than He.48 I fear lest the chastisement befall you on a dreadful day."

| 007.:059 [KSU] | Laqad | arsalna | noohan | ila | qawmihi | faqala | ya | qawmi | oAAbudoo | Allaha | ma | lakum | min | ilahin | ghayruhu | innee | akhafu | AAalaykum | AAathaba | yawmin | AAatheemin

Hud | 11:27|
|In answer to this, those chiefs of his people, who had rejected his Message, said, "We see that you are no more than a mere man like ourselves, and we also see that only the meanest from among us have become your followers without due consideration, and we find nothing in you that might give you superiority over us. Nay, we consider you to be liars. "

| 011.:027 [KSU] | Faqala | almalao | allatheena | kafaroo | min | qawmihi | ma | naraka | illa | basharan | mithlana | wama | naraka | ittabaAAaka | illa | allatheena | hum | arathiluna | badiya | alrrayi | wama | nara | lakum | AAalayna | min | fadlin | bal | nathunnukum | kathibeena

Hud | 11:45|
|Noah called out to his Lord, saying, "My Lord! My son is of my family, and Thy promise is surely true and Thou art the greatest and the best of all rulers."

| 011.:045 [KSU] | Wanada | noohun | rabbahu | faqala | rabbi | inna | ibnee | min | ahlee | wainna | waAAdaka | alhaqqu | waanta | ahkamu | alhakimeena