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Illa [856]

Al-Fatiha | 1:1|
|In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Praise is only for Allah,2 the Lord of the Universe3

| 001.:001 [KSU] | bismi | Allahi | alrrahmani | alrraheemi | Alhamdu | lillaahi | rabbi | alAAalameena

Al-Baqarah | 2:9|
|They thus try to deceive Allah and the Believers, but they succeed in deceiving none except themselves and they realize it not.

| 002.:009 [KSU] | YukhaadiAAoona | Allaaha | waallatheena | Aamanoo | wamaa | yakhdaAAoona | illaa | anfusahum | wamaa | yashAAuroona

Al-Baqarah | 2:22|
|It is He Who has made the earth a bed for you and the sky a canopy; and it is He Who sends down rain from above for the growth of every kind of food products for your sustenance. So, when you know this, you should not set up equals to rank with Allah

| 002.:022 [KSU] | Allathee | jaAAala | lakumu | alarda | firashan | waalssamaa | binaan | waanzala | mina | alssamai | maan | faakhraja | bihi | mina | alththamarati | rizqan | lakum | fala | tajAAaloo | lillahi | andadan | waantum | taAAlamoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:26|
| Well, Allah is not ashamed to cite the similitude of a gnat or of something even more insignificant than this. As for those who believe, they come to know from the same similitude that it is the Revelation from their Lord; but those who disbelieve, say, "What does Allah mean by such similitudes?" Allah leads astray many and guides many to the right way by the same thing. And He leads astray only those who disobey Allah;

| 002.:026 [KSU] | Inna | Allaha | la | yastahyee | an | yadriba | mathalan | ma | baAAoodatan | fama | fawqaha | faamma | allatheena | amanoo | fayaAAlamoona | annahu | alhaqqu | min | rabbihim | waamma | allatheena | kafaroo | fayaqooloona | matha | arada | Allahu | bihatha | mathalan | yudillu | bihi | katheeran | wayahdee | bihi | katheeran | wama | yudillu | bihi | illa | alfasiqeena

Al-Baqarah | 2:32|
|They replied, "Glory be to You. You alone are free from defect. We possess only that much knowledge which You have given us. Indeed You alone are All-Knowing and All-Wise."

| 002.:032 [KSU] | qaAluw.A | sub.HaEnaka | laA | AAil.ma | lanaA~ | _illaA | maA | AAallam.tanaA~ | [sly] | _innaka | _anta | (a)l.AAaliy.mu | (a)l.Hakiymu