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Ithi [106]

Al-Baqarah | 2:233|
|The (divorced) mothers shall suckle their children for two whole years, if the fathers desire the suckling to be completed. In that case the father of the child shall, in the fair known way, be responsible for their food and clothing. But none should be burdened with more than one can bear: neither the mother should be pressed unjustly (to accept unfair terms) just because she is the mother nor should the father be burdened just because he is the father. And the same responsibility for the maintenance of the mother devolves upon the father of the child and his heir. There is no harm if they wean the child by mutual consent and consultation. Moreover, there is no harm if you choose to give your children a suckle by a wet nurse, provided that you pay her fairly. Fear Allah and know it well that whatever you do is in the sight of Allah.

| 002.:233 [KSU] | Waalwalidatu | yurdiAAna | awladahunna | hawlayni | kamilayni | liman | arada | an | yutimma | alrradaAAata | waAAala | almawloodi | lahu | rizquhunna | wakiswatuhunna | bialmaAAroofi | la | tukallafu | nafsun | illa | wusAAaha | la | tudarra | walidatun | biwaladiha | wala | mawloodun | lahu | biwaladihi | waAAala | alwarithi | mithlu | thalika | fain | arada | fisalan | AAan | taradin | minhuma | watashawurin | fala | junaha | AAalayhima | wain | aradtum | an | tastardiAAoo | awladakum | fala | junaha | AAalaykum | itha | sallamtum | ma | ataytum | bialmaAAroofi | waittaqoo | Allaha | waiAAlamoo | anna | Allaha

Al-Baqarah | 2:267|
|O Believers, expend in Allahs Way the best portion of the wealth you have earned and of that We have produced for you from the earth, and do not pick out for charity those worthless things which you yourselves would only accept in disdain by connivance, if they were offered to you. Understand it well that Allah does not stand in need of anything whatsoever and has all the praise-worthy attributes.

| 002.:267 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | anfiqoo | min | tayyibati | ma | kasabtum | wamimma | akhrajna | lakum | mina | alardi | wala | tayammamoo | alkhabeetha | minhu | tunfiqoona | walastum | biakhitheehi | illa | an | tughmidoo | feehi | waiAAlamoo | anna | Allaha | ghaniyyun | hameedun

Al-Imran | 3:28|
|Let not the Believers make the disbelievers their friends and take them into their confidence in preference to the Believers. Whoever will do this shall have no relation left with Allah; however your show of friendship towards them will be pardonable, if you do so to guard against their tyranny. Anyhow Allah warns you to fear Him because to Him you shall return.

| 003.:028 [KSU] | La | yattakhithi | almuminoona | alkafireena | awliyaa | min | dooni | almumineena | waman | yafAAal | thalika | falaysa | mina | Allahi | fee | shayin | illa | an | tattaqoo | minhum | tuqatan | wayuhaththirukumu | Allahu | nafsahu | waila | Allahi | almaseeru

Al-Imran | 3:167|
|When these hypocrites were told to come and fight in the way of Allah or at least in the defence (of their city), they said, "Had we known that the fighting would take place today, we would have certainly gone out with you." At the time they were uttering these words, they were nearer to unbelief than to faith, for they utter with their tongues what is not in their hearts; but Allah knows well what they conceal in their hearts.

| 003.:167 [KSU] | WaliyaAAlama | allatheena | nafaqoo | waqeela | lahum | taAAalaw | qatiloo | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | awi | idfaAAoo | qaloo | law | naAAlamu | qitalan | laittabaAAnakum | hum | lilkufri | yawmaithin | aqrabu | minhum | lileemani | yaqooloona | biafwahihim | ma | laysa | fee | quloobihim | waAllahu | aAAlamu | bima | yaktumoona

An-Nisa | 4:36|
|And all of you should serve God and associate none with Him; and show kindness and affection to your parents, and be kind to near relatives, and to orphans, and to the needy; and be considerate to your neighbors kinsmen and strangers and to the companions at your side and to the wayfarer and to the slaves in your possession. Believe it that Allah does not like such persons as are self~conceited

| 004.:036 [KSU] | WaoAAbudoo | Allaha | wala | tushrikoo | bihi | shayan | wabialwalidayni | ihsanan | wabithee | alqurba | waalyatama | waalmasakeeni | waaljari | thee | alqurba | waaljari | aljunubi | waalssahibi | bialjanbi | waibni | alssabeeli | wama | malakat | aymanukum | inna | Allaha | la | yuhibbu | man | kana | mukhtalan | fakhooran