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Lakunna [2]

Al-Anaam | 6:157|
|"If the Book had been sent down to us, we would have proved ourselves more righteous than they." Now that a clear proof and Guidance and Blessing, has come to you from your Lord, who can be more unjust than the one who treats Our Revelations as false and turns away from them? We will inflict the severest torment on those who turn away from Our Signs because of their aversion.

| 006.:157 [KSU] | Aw | taqooloo | law | anna | onzila | AAalayna | alkitabu | lakunna | ahda | minhum | faqad | jaakum | bayyinatun | min | rabbikum | wahudan | warahmatun | faman | athlamu | mimman | kaththaba | biayati | Allahi | wasadafa | AAanha | sanajzee | allatheena | yasdifoona | AAan | ayatina | sooa | alAAathabi | bima | kanoo | yasdifoona

As-Saba | 34:31|
|The disbelievers say, "We shall never believe in this Qur`an, nor in any other Book which came before it." Would that you could see these wicked people at the time when they will be standing before their Lord! Then, they will blame one another. Those who had been oppressed in the world, will say to the arrogant, "But for you we would have been the believers."

| 034.:031 [KSU] | Waqala | allatheena | kafaroo | lan | numina | bihatha | alqurani | wala | biallathee | bayna | yadayhi | walaw | tara | ithi | alththalimoona | mawqoofoona | AAinda | rabbihim | yarjiAAu | baAAduhum | ila | baAAdin | alqawla | yaqoolu | allatheena | istudAAifoo | lillatheena | istakbaroo | lawla | antum | lakunna | mumineena

As-Saffat | 37:169|
|we would have been the chosen servants of Allah."

| 037.:169 [KSU] | Lakunna | AAibada | Allahi | almukhlaseena