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Qaf [10]

Al-Baqarah | 2:87|
| And We gave Moses the Book and sent after him a train of Messengers in succession. Then We sent Jesus, son of Mary, with clear Signs and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Then how is it that whenever a Messenger came to you wish that which did not suit your lusts, you grew rebellious against him, and repudiated some and slew others.

| 002.:087 [KSU] | Walaqad | atayna | moosa | alkitaba | waqaffayna | min | baAAdihi | bialrrusuli | waatayna | AAeesa | ibna | maryama | albayyinati | waayyadnahu | biroohi | alqudusi | afakullama | jaakum | rasoolun | bima | la | tahwa | anfusukumu | istakbartum | fafareeqan | kaththabtum | wafareeqan | taqtuloona

Al-Maidah | 5:46|
|Then after those Prophets, We sent Jesus, son of Mary; he confirmed whatever had still remained intact of the Torah in his time. And We gave him the Gospel wherein was Guidance and Light; that too, confirmed what was intact of the Torah at the time; moreover, it was guidance and admonition for the God-fearing people.

| 005.:046 [KSU] | Waqaffayna | AAala | atharihim | biAAeesa | ibni | maryama | musaddiqan | lima | bayna | yadayhi | mina | alttawrati | waataynahu | alinjeela | feehi | hudan | wanoorun | wamusaddiqan | lima | bayna | yadayhi | mina | alttawrati | wahudan | wamawAAithatan | lilmuttaqeena

Al-Aaraf | 7:117|
|Then We inspired Moses to throw down his staff. No sooner did he throw it down than it began to swallow their false magic.

| 007.:117 [KSU] | Waawhayna | ila | moosa | an | alqi | AAasaka | faitha | hiya | talqafu | ma | yafikoona

Al-Anfal | 8:57|
|if you encounter them in combat, make of them a fearsome example for others who would follow them so that they might be unnerved. It is expected that they will learn a lesson from the end of the treacherous people.

| 008.:057 [KSU] | Faimma | tathqafannahum | fee | alharbi | fasharrid | bihim | man | khalfahum | laAAallahum | yaththakkaroona

Ta-Ha | 20:69|
|Cast down what is in your hand, and it will swallow up all their sham creation; for they are mere tricks of a magician; and a magician can never succeed, howsoever skilled he may be."

| 020.:069 [KSU] | Waalqi | ma | fee | yameenika | talqaf | ma | sanaAAoo | innama | sanaAAoo | kaydu | sahirin | wala | yuflihu | alssahiru | haythu | ata