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Walisulaymana [1]

Al-Ambia | 21:81|
|And We had subdued to Solomon the strongly blowing wind which sped at his bidding to the land wherein We had placed Our blessings, for We had the knowledge of everything.

| 021.:081 [KSU] | Walisulaymana | alrreeha | AAasifatan | tajree | biamrihi | ila | alardi | allatee | barakna | feeha | wakunna | bikulli | shayin | AAalimeena

As-Saba | 34:12|
|And for Solomon We subjected the wind which covered a month's journey in the morning and a month's journey in the evening and We made a fountain of molten copper to flow for him and subdued such jinns to him who served before him by the command of his Lord. Whoever from among them swerved from Our Command, We made him taste the brazing Fire.

| 034.:012 [KSU] | Walisulaymana | alrreeha | ghuduwwuha | shahrun | warawahuha | shahrun | waasalna | lahu | AAayna | alqitri | wamina | aljinni | man | yaAAmalu | bayna | yadayhi | biithni | rabbihi | waman | yazigh | minhum | AAan | amrina | nuthiqhu | min | AAathabi | alssaAAeeri