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_amman [28]

Al-Baqarah | 2:282|
|O Believers, when you contract a debt for a fixed; term, you should put it in writing. Let a scribe write with equity the document for the parties. The scribe whom Allah has given the gift of literacy should not refuse to write. Let him write and let the one under obligation (the debtor) dictate, and he should fear Allah, his Lord, and should not diminish from or add anything to the terms which have been settled. But if the borrower be of low understanding or weak or unable to dictate (for any reason), then let the guardian of his interests dictate it with equity. And let two men from among you bear witness to all such documents. But if two men be not available, there should be one man and two women to bear witness so that if one of the women forgets (anything), the other may remind her. The witnesses should be from among such people whom you approve of as witnesses. When the witnesses a

| 002.:282 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | itha | tadayantum | bidaynin | ila | ajalin | musamman | faoktuboohu | walyaktub | baynakum | katibun | bialAAadli | wala | yaba | katibun | an | yaktuba | kama | AAallamahu | Allahu | falyaktub | walyumlili | allathee | AAalayhi | alhaqqu | walyattaqi | Allaha | rabbahu | wala | yabkhas | minhu | shayan | fain | kana | allathee | AAalayhi | alhaqqu | safeehan | aw | daAAeefan | aw | la | yastateeAAu | an | yumilla | huwa | falyumlil | waliyyuhu | bialAAadli | waistashhidoo | shaheedayni | min | rijalikum | fain | lam | yakoona | rajulayni | farajulun | waimraatani | mimman | tardawn

Al-Imran | 3:153|
|Recall how you were fleeing in such a panic that you did not even look back at one another, and the Messenger in your rear was calling nut to you. Consequently, Allah inflicted upon you one sorrow after the other so that you may learn this lesson for the that you should not grieve for what you have lost and for any misfortune that might befall you: Allah is fully aware of all that you are doing.

| 003.:153 [KSU] | Ith | tusAAidoona | wala | talwoona | AAala | ahadin | waalrrasoolu | yadAAookum | fee | okhrakum | faathabakum | ghamman | bighammin | likayla | tahzanoo | AAala | ma | fatakum | wala | ma | asabakum | waAllahu | khabeerun | bima | taAAmaloona

Al-Anaam | 6:2|
|It is He Who has created you from earth and decreed a fixed term of life for you, and with Him there is another settled term also yet you have doubts thereof.

| 006.:002 [KSU] | Huwa | allathee | khalaqakum | min | teenin | thumma | qada | ajalan | waajalun | musamman | AAindahu | thumma | antum | tamtaroona

Al-Anaam | 6:60|
|It is He Who recalls your souls at night and knows what you do during the day; then next day He returns you to your usual work to complete the fixed term of your life. At long last, you shall all return to Him and He will let you know what you had been doing.

| 006.:060 [KSU] | Wahuwa | allathee | yatawaffakum | biallayli | wayaAAlamu | ma | jarahtum | bialnnahari | thumma | yabAAathukum | feehi | liyuqda | ajalun | musamman | thumma | ilayhi | marjiAAukum | thumma | yunabbiokum | bima | kuntum | taAAmaloona

Yunus | 10:31|
|Ask them "Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth? Who has power over the faculties of hearing and sight? Who brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living? Who directs the system of the universe?" They will surely reply, "Allah". Say "Will you not, then, refrain from (going against the Truth)?"

| 10.:031 [KSU] | Qul | man | yarzuqukum | mina | alssamai | waalardi | amman | yamliku | alssamAAa | waalabsara | waman | yukhriju | alhayya | mina | almayyiti | wayukhriju | almayyita | mina | alhayyi | waman | yudabbiru | alamra | fasayaqooloona | Allahu | faqul | afala | tattaqoona