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_aqrabu [19]

Al-Baqarah | 2:187|
|It has been made lawful for you to go to your wives during the nights of the fast days. They are as a garment to you and you are as a garment to them. Though Allah knew that you were secretly dishonest to yourselves, He has pardoned your guilt and forgiven you. NOW you are permitted to have intercourse with your wives and enjoy what Allah has made lawful for you. You are also pemitted to eat and drink during the nights of the Fast months.192 until you can discern the white streak of dawn from the blackness of night. Then (abstain from all these things and) complete your fast till night-fall. But you should not have intercourse with your wives while you confine yourselves to mosques. These are the bounds set by Allah; so do nut go near them. In this way Allah makes His Commands clear to mankind. It is expected that they will guard themselves against wrong ways.

| 002.:187 [KSU] | Ohilla | lakum | laylata | alssiyami | alrrafathu | ila | nisaikum | hunna | libasun | lakum | waantum | libasun | lahunna | AAalima | Allahu | annakum | kuntum | takhtanoona | anfusakum | fataba | AAalaykum | waAAafa | AAankum | faalana | bashiroohunna | waibtaghoo | ma | kataba | Allahu | lakum | wakuloo | waishraboo | hatta | yatabayyana | lakumu | alkhaytu | alabyadu | mina | alkhayti | alaswadi | mina | alfajri | thumma | atimmoo | alssiyama | ila | allayli | wala | tubashiroohunna | waantum | AAakifoona | fee | almasajidi | tilka | hudoodu | Allahi | fala | taqrabooha | kathalika | yubayyinu | Allahu | ayatih

Al-Baqarah | 2:222|
|They ask about the monthly course. Say, "It is a state of impurity; so keep apart from women during their monthly course and do not go near them until they are clean.239 When they have cleansed themselves, then you may go to them in the manner Allah has enjoined you." Most surely Allah loves those people who refrain from evil and keep themselves pure and clean.

| 002.:222 [KSU] | Wayasaloonaka | AAani | almaheedi | qul | huwa | athan | faiAAtaziloo | alnnisaa | fee | almaheedi | wala | taqraboohunna | hatta | yathurna | faitha | tatahharna | fatoohunna | min | haythu | amarakumu | Allahu | inna | Allaha | yuhibbu | alttawwabeena | wayuhibbu | almutatahhireena

Al-Baqarah | 2:237|
|In case you fixed a dower for them and then divorced them before you touched them, you should pay half of the fixed dower. But there is no harm if the woman agrees to forego it or the man, in whose hands is the marriage tie, is generous enough (to pay the dower in full). And if you (men) act generously, it is akin to piety. Do not forget to show generosity in your dealings261 with one another for Allah sees what you do.

| 002.:237 [KSU] | Wain | tallaqtumoohunna | min | qabli | an | tamassoohunna | waqad | faradtum | lahunna | fareedatan | fanisfu | ma | faradtum | illa | an | yaAAfoona | aw | yaAAfuwa | allathee | biyadihi | AAuqdatu | alnnikahi | waan | taAAfoo | aqrabu | lilttaqwa | wala | tansawoo | alfadla | baynakum | inna | Allaha | bima | taAAmaloona | baseerun

Al-Imran | 3:167|
|When these hypocrites were told to come and fight in the way of Allah or at least in the defence (of their city), they said, "Had we known that the fighting would take place today, we would have certainly gone out with you." At the time they were uttering these words, they were nearer to unbelief than to faith, for they utter with their tongues what is not in their hearts; but Allah knows well what they conceal in their hearts.

| 003.:167 [KSU] | WaliyaAAlama | allatheena | nafaqoo | waqeela | lahum | taAAalaw | qatiloo | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | awi | idfaAAoo | qaloo | law | naAAlamu | qitalan | laittabaAAnakum | hum | lilkufri | yawmaithin | aqrabu | minhum | lileemani | yaqooloona | biafwahihim | ma | laysa | fee | quloobihim | waAllahu | aAAlamu | bima | yaktumoona

An-Nisa | 4:7|
|There is a share for men in what has been left by parents and near relatives, and there is a share also for women in what has been left by parents and near relatives, whether it be little or much; for this share has been prescribed (by Allah).

| 004.:007 [KSU] | Lilrrijali | naseebun | mimma | taraka | alwalidani | waalaqraboona | walilnnisai | naseebun | mimma | taraka | alwalidani | waalaqraboona | mimma | qalla | minhu | aw | kathura | naseeban | mafroodan