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_ashaddu [16]

Al-Baqarah | 2:74|
|But even after seeing these Signs your hearts hardened and became as hard as rocks; nay, even harder than rocks. For there are some rocks out of which springs gush forth, and others which split open, and water issues out of them; then there are some which tumble down for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unaware of what you are doing.

| 002.:074 [KSU] | Thumma | qasat | quloobukum | min | baAAdi | thalika | fahiya | kaalhijarati | aw | ashaddu | qaswatan | wainna | mina | alhijarati | lama | yatafajjaru | minhu | alanharu | wainna | minha | lama | yashshaqqaqu | fayakhruju | minhu | almao | wainna | minha | lama | yahbitu | min | khashyati | Allahi | wama | Allahu | bighafilin | AAamma | taAAmaloona

Al-Baqarah | 2:165|
|(In spite of such clear signs of the Oneness of Allah), there are people who set up equals and rivals with Allah and adore them with the adoration due to Allah, whereas the Believers adore Allah most ardently. Would that these transgressors could realize now what they will realize, when they will see the chastisement before them that power and authority wholly belong to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment!

| 002.:165 [KSU] | Wamina | alnnasi | man | yattakhithu | min | dooni | Allahi | andadan | yuhibboonahum | kahubbi | Allahi | waallatheena | amanoo | ashaddu | hubban | lillahi | walaw | yara | allatheena | thalamoo | ith | yarawna | alAAathaba | anna | alquwwata | lillahi | jameeAAan | waanna | Allaha | shadeedu | alAAathabi

Al-Baqarah | 2:191|
|Fight against them wherever they confront you in combat and drive them out from where they drove you out. Though killing is bad. persecution is worse than killing Do not fight against them near the Masjid Haram unless they attack you there. And if they attack you first (even in that sacred area), strike them (without any hesitation); this is the due punishment for such disbelievers.

| 002.:191 [KSU] | Waoqtuloohum | haythu | thaqiftumoohum | waakhrijoohum | min | haythu | akhrajookum | waalfitnatu | ashaddu | mina | alqatli | wala | tuqatiloohum | AAinda | almasjidi | alharami | hatta | yuqatilookum | feehi | fain | qatalookum | faoqtuloohum | kathalika | jazao | alkafireena

An-Nisa | 4:84|
|O Prophet, fight in the way of Allah: you are accountable for none but your own person; you should, however, urge on the Believers to fight: it may be that Allah will soon break the strength of the disbelievers, for Allah is the strongest in might and His punishment is most severe.

| 004.:084 [KSU] | Faqatil | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | la | tukallafu | illa | nafsaka | waharridi | almumineena | AAasa | Allahu | an | yakuffa | basa | allatheena | kafaroo | waAllahu | ashaddu | basan | waashaddu | tankeelan

At-Tauba | 9:81|
|Those who were allowed to remain behind, were happy that they had not gone with Allahs Messenger, and had stayed at home, for they did not like to do Jihad in the Way of Allah with their possessions and their persons. They said to the people, "Do not go forth in this heat." Say to them, "The Fire of Hell is much hotter than this"; would that they understood this!

| 009.:081 [KSU] | Fariha | almukhallafoona | bimaqAAadihim | khilafa | rasooli | Allahi | wakarihoo | an | yujahidoo | biamwalihim | waanfusihim | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | waqaloo | la | tanfiroo | fee | alharri | qul | naru | jahannama | ashaddu | harran | law | kanoo | yafqahoona