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_aydiyhim [21]

Al-Baqarah | 2:79|
|So woe to their learned people, who write the law with their own hands and then say to the people, "This is from Allah," so that they might gain some paltry worldly end. (They do not see that) this writing of their hands will bring woe to them and what they gain thereby will lead to their ruin.

| 002.:079 [KSU] | Fawaylun | lillatheena | yaktuboona | alkitaba | biaydeehim | thumma | yaqooloona | hatha | min | AAindi | Allahi | liyashtaroo | bihi | thamanan | qaleelan | fawaylun | lahum | mimma | katabat | aydeehim | wawaylun | lahum | mimma | yaksiboona

Al-Baqarah | 2:95|
|Believe it that they will never wish for it, for (they are fully aware of the consequences of) what they have sent before them for the Hereafter. And Allah knows well the mentality of the transgressors.

| 002.:095 [KSU] | Walan | yatamannawhu | abadan | bima | qaddamat | aydeehim | waAllahu | AAaleemun | bialththalimeena

An-Nisa | 4:62|
|But how do they behave when a disaster befalls them as a consequence of their own doings? They come to you with oath, saying, "We swear by God that we only meant to promote the good and bring about a reconciliation between the parties."

| 004.:062 [KSU] | Fakayfa | itha | asabathum | museebatun | bima | qaddamat | aydeehim | thumma | jaooka | yahlifoona | biAllahi | in | aradna | illa | ihsanan | watawfeeqan

Al-Maidah | 5:33|
|The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and run about to spread mischief in the land is this; they should be put to death or crucified or their alternate hands and feet should be cut off, or they should be banished from the land. This is the disgrace and ignominy for them in this world and there is in store for them a harsher torment in the Hereafter,

| 005.:033 [KSU] | Innama | jazao | allatheena | yuhariboona | Allaha | warasoolahu | wayasAAawna | fee | alardi | fasadan | an | yuqattaloo | aw | yusallaboo | aw | tuqattaAAa | aydeehim | waarjuluhum | min | khilafin | aw | yunfaw | mina | alardi | thalika | lahum | khizyun | fee | alddunya | walahum | fee | alakhirati | AAathabun | AAatheemun

Al-Maidah | 5:64|
|The Jews say that the hands of Allah are chained Nay chained indeed are their own hands and accursed they have become because of the blasphemy they utter Allahs hands are free and He expends in whatever way He wills. The fact is that the Message which has been sent down to you from your Lord has rather increased the rebellion and disbelief of many of them: (as a consequence of this) We have cast between them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection. Whenever they kindle the fire of war, Allah extinguishes it; now they are striving to spread mischief in the world but Allah does not like the mischief makers.

| 005.:064 [KSU] | Waqalati | alyahoodu | yadu | Allahi | maghloolatun | ghullat | aydeehim | waluAAinoo | bima | qaloo | bal | yadahu | mabsootatani | yunfiqu | kayfa | yashao | walayazeedanna | katheeran | minhum | ma | onzila | ilayka | min | rabbika | tughyanan | wakufran | waalqayna | baynahumu | alAAadawata | waalbaghdaa | ila | yawmi | alqiyamati | kullama | awqadoo | naran | lilharbi | atfaaha | Allahu | wayasAAawna | fee | alardi | fasadan | waAllahu | la | yuhibbu | almufsideena