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afalam [11]

Yusuf | 12:109|
|O Muhammad! All the Messengers, whom We sent before you, were also human beings, and lived in the same habitations, and to them We sent Our Revelations. Have these people, then, not traveled in the land and seen what has been the end of those who have passed away before them ? Surely, the abode of the Hereafter is far better for those who (believed in the Messengers and) adopted the attitude of piety. What! Will you not understand it even now?

| 012.:109 [KSU] | Wama | arsalna | min | qablika | illa | rijalan | noohee | ilayhim | min | ahli | alqura | afalam | yaseeroo | fee | alardi | fayanthuroo | kayfa | kana | AAaqibatu | allatheena | min | qablihim | waladaru | alakhirati | khayrun | lillatheena | ittaqaw | afala | taAAqiloona

Ar-Raad | 13:31|
|And what (do you think) would have been the result, if We had sent a Quran that would have caused the mountains to move or cleft the earth asunder or made the dead speak? (It is not difficult at all to show such Signs) for Allah has full power over everything. Have the Believers (still any expectations of a Sign in answer to the demand of the disbelievers and) not given up all hope, (knowing) that Allah could have guided all mankind aright, if He had so desired? As for the disbelievers, because of their misdeeds, one affliction or the other does not cease to visit them every now and then, or come near their home. It will go on like this until Allahs threat come to pass. Indeed, Allah does not fail to bring about His threat.

| 013.:031 [KSU] | Walaw | anna | quranan | suyyirat | bihi | aljibalu | aw | quttiAAat | bihi | alardu | aw | kullima | bihi | almawta | bal | lillahi | alamru | jameeAAan | afalam | yayasi | allatheena | amanoo | an | law | yashao | Allahu | lahada | alnnasa | jameeAAan | wala | yazalu | allatheena | kafaroo | tuseebuhum | bima | sanaAAoo | qariAAatun | aw | tahullu | qareeban | min | darihim | hatta | yatiya | waAAdu | Allahi | inna | Allaha | la | yukhlifu | almeeAAada

Ta-Ha | 20:128|
|Have these people109 not received any guidance (from this lesson of history) that We have destroyed before them many a generation in whose (ruined) habitations they move about today? In fact, there are many Signs in this for sagacious people.

| 020.:128 [KSU] | Afalam | yahdi | lahum | kam | ahlakna | qablahum | mina | alqurooni | yamshoona | fee | masakinihim | inna | fee | thalika | laayatin | liolee | alnnuha

Al-Hajj | 22:46|
|Have they not gone about in the land so as to make their hearts think and ears hear? The fact, however, is that it is the hearts in the breasts and not the eyes that become blind.

| 022.:046 [KSU] | Afalam | yaseeroo | fee | alardi | fatakoona | lahum | quloobun | yaAAqiloona | biha | aw | athanun | yasmaAAoona | biha | fainnaha | la | taAAma | alabsaru | walakin | taAAma | alquloobu | allatee | fee | alssudoori

Al-Mominoon | 23:68|
|Have the disbelievers never considered the Word? Or, has he brought something the like of which had not come to their forefathers?

| 023.:068 [KSU] | Afalam | yaddabbaroo | alqawla | am | jaahum | ma | lam | yati | abaahumu | alawwaleena