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afsahu [7]

Al-Baqarah | 2:130|
| Now, who else can have aversion to the way of Abraham but the one who has debased himself with folly and ignorance? Abraham was the man whom We chose for Our service in this world, and in the Next World he shall be among the righteous.

| 002.:130 [KSU] | Waman | yarghabu | AAan | millati | ibraheema | illa | man | safiha | nafsahu | walaqadi | istafaynahu | fee | alddunya | wainnahu | fee | alakhirati | lamina | alssaliheena

Al-Baqarah | 2:207|
|On the other side, there is another type of man who devotes his whole life to please Allah, and Allah is gracious to such of His servants.

| 002.:207 [KSU] | Wamina | alnnasi | man | yashree | nafsahu | ibtighaa | mardati | Allahi | waAllahu | raoofun | bialAAibadi

Al-Baqarah | 2:231|
|And when you have divorced your wives and they are about to complete their prescribed term, then either retain them gracefully or release them generously. It is transgression to retain them merely for harassment; and whoever does that indeed wrongs his own self. Do not play with Allahs Commandments, and remember that Allah has blessed you with a great favour. He admonishes you to show due respect to the Book and the Wisdom He has sent to you. Fear Allah and know that He is fully aware of everything.

| 002.:231 [KSU] | Waitha | tallaqtumu | alnnisaa | fabalaghna | ajalahunna | faamsikoohunna | bimaAAroofin | aw | sarrihoohunna | bimaAAroofin | wala | tumsikoohunna | diraran | litaAAtadoo | waman | yafAAal | thalika | faqad | thalama | nafsahu | wala | tattakhithoo | ayati | Allahi | huzuwan | waothkuroo | niAAmata | Allahi | AAalaykum | wama | anzala | AAalaykum | mina | alkitabi | waalhikmati | yaAAithukum | bihi | waittaqoo | Allaha | waiAAlamoo | anna | Allaha | bikulli | shayin | AAaleemun

Al-Imran | 3:28|
|Let not the Believers make the disbelievers their friends and take them into their confidence in preference to the Believers. Whoever will do this shall have no relation left with Allah; however your show of friendship towards them will be pardonable, if you do so to guard against their tyranny. Anyhow Allah warns you to fear Him because to Him you shall return.

| 003.:028 [KSU] | La | yattakhithi | almuminoona | alkafireena | awliyaa | min | dooni | almumineena | waman | yafAAal | thalika | falaysa | mina | Allahi | fee | shayin | illa | an | tattaqoo | minhum | tuqatan | wayuhaththirukumu | Allahu | nafsahu | waila | Allahi | almaseeru

Al-Imran | 3:30|
|That Day is approaching when everyone shall find before him whatever he has done be it good or evil. On that Day one would wish that there were a long span of time between himself and that Day. Allah warns you to fear Him for He is very Compassionate towards His servants.

| 003.:030 [KSU] | Yawma | tajidu | kullu | nafsin | ma | AAamilat | min | khayrin | muhdaran | wama | AAamilat | min | sooin | tawaddu | law | anna | baynaha | wabaynahu | amadan | baAAeedan | wayuhaththirukumu | Allahu | nafsahu | waAllahu | raoofun | bialAAibadi