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afwahihim [9]

Al-Imran | 3:118|
|O Believers, do not take into your confidence any other than the people of your own community for they never miss any opportunity of exploiting any weakness of yours They desire that which is harmful to you; their malice has become apparent from what they say, but what they conceal in their hearts is yet far worse. We have made clear to you the signs thereof, and if you are wise, (you will be very cautious in your relations with them.)

| 003.:118 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | la | tattakhithoo | bitanatan | min | doonikum | la | yaloonakum | khabalan | waddoo | ma | AAanittum | qad | badati | albaghdao | min | afwahihim | wama | tukhfee | sudooruhum | akbaru | qad | bayyanna | lakumu | alayati | in | kuntum | taAAqiloona

Al-Imran | 3:167|
|When these hypocrites were told to come and fight in the way of Allah or at least in the defence (of their city), they said, "Had we known that the fighting would take place today, we would have certainly gone out with you." At the time they were uttering these words, they were nearer to unbelief than to faith, for they utter with their tongues what is not in their hearts; but Allah knows well what they conceal in their hearts.

| 003.:167 [KSU] | WaliyaAAlama | allatheena | nafaqoo | waqeela | lahum | taAAalaw | qatiloo | fee | sabeeli | Allahi | awi | idfaAAoo | qaloo | law | naAAlamu | qitalan | laittabaAAnakum | hum | lilkufri | yawmaithin | aqrabu | minhum | lileemani | yaqooloona | biafwahihim | ma | laysa | fee | quloobihim | waAllahu | aAAlamu | bima | yaktumoona

Al-Maidah | 5:41|
|O Messenger, let not those who are striving hard in the way of disbelief, grieve you, whether they be from among those who say with their mouths, "We believe," but their hearts do not believe, or from among those who have become Jews; for the latter eagerly listen to lies. They spy for other people who have never had any chance of coming to you: they twist the words of Allahs Book out of their context in order to distort their proper meaning: they say to the people, "If you are enjoined to observe such and such teaching, accept it; if it is other than this, reject it." You can do nothing to save from Allahs punishment a man whom Allah wills to put to trial. They are those, whose hearts Allah does not will to purify; there is ignominy for them in this world and a grievous punishment in the Hereafter.

| 005.:041 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | alrrasoolu | la | yahzunka | allatheena | yusariAAoona | fee | alkufri | mina | allatheena | qaloo | amanna | biafwahihim | walam | tumin | quloobuhum | wamina | allatheena | hadoo | sammaAAoona | lilkathibi | sammaAAoona | liqawmin | akhareena | lam | yatooka | yuharrifoona | alkalima | min | baAAdi | mawadiAAihi | yaqooloona | in | ooteetum | hatha | fakhuthoohu | wain | lam | tutawhu | faihtharoo | waman | yuridi | Allahu | fitnatahu | falan | tamlika | lahu | mina | Allahi | shayan | olaika | allatheena | lam | yuridi | Allahu | an | yutahhira | quloobahum | lahum | fee | alddunya | khizyun | walahum |

At-Tauba | 9:8|
|But how can a treaty be regarded as abiding with the other mushriks? Since if they get power over you, they will not respect ties of kindred with you nor honor any treaty obligations. They try to conciliate you with their tongues, while their hearts are averse to their tongues, for most of them are evil-doers.

| 009.:008 [KSU] | Kayfa | wain | yathharoo | AAalaykum | la | yarquboo | feekum | illan | wala | thimmatan | yurdoonakum | biafwahihim | wataba | quloobuhum | waaktharuhum | fasiqoona

At-Tauba | 9:30|
|The Jews say, "Ezra (`Uzair) is the son of Allah,” and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of God." Such are the baseless things they utter with their tongues, following in the footsteps of the former unbelievers. May Allah afflict them with chastisement! Where from are they being perverted?

| 009.:030 [KSU] | Waqalati | alyahoodu | AAuzayrun | ibnu | Allahi | waqalati | alnnasara | almaseehu | ibnu | Allahi | thalika | qawluhum | biafwahihim | yudahioona | qawla | allatheena | kafaroo | min | qablu | qatalahumu | Allahu | anna | yufakoona