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ajalin [22]

Al-Baqarah | 2:282|
|O Believers, when you contract a debt for a fixed; term, you should put it in writing. Let a scribe write with equity the document for the parties. The scribe whom Allah has given the gift of literacy should not refuse to write. Let him write and let the one under obligation (the debtor) dictate, and he should fear Allah, his Lord, and should not diminish from or add anything to the terms which have been settled. But if the borrower be of low understanding or weak or unable to dictate (for any reason), then let the guardian of his interests dictate it with equity. And let two men from among you bear witness to all such documents. But if two men be not available, there should be one man and two women to bear witness so that if one of the women forgets (anything), the other may remind her. The witnesses should be from among such people whom you approve of as witnesses. When the witnesses a

| 002.:282 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | itha | tadayantum | bidaynin | ila | ajalin | musamman | faoktuboohu | walyaktub | baynakum | katibun | bialAAadli | wala | yaba | katibun | an | yaktuba | kama | AAallamahu | Allahu | falyaktub | walyumlili | allathee | AAalayhi | alhaqqu | walyattaqi | Allaha | rabbahu | wala | yabkhas | minhu | shayan | fain | kana | allathee | AAalayhi | alhaqqu | safeehan | aw | daAAeefan | aw | la | yastateeAAu | an | yumilla | huwa | falyumlil | waliyyuhu | bialAAadli | waistashhidoo | shaheedayni | min | rijalikum | fain | lam | yakoona | rajulayni | farajulun | waimraatani | mimman | tardawn

An-Nisa | 4:77|
|Have you also marked those to whom it was said, "Withhold your hands (a while from war) and establish the Salat and pay the Zakat.? Now that they have been commanded to fight, some of them fear the people as they should fear Allah, or even more than that; they say, `Our Lord, why have You prescribed fighting for us? Why have You not given us further respite?" Say to them, "The pleasures of this worldly life are trifling and the life of the Hereafter is much better for a man who fears Allah, and you shall not be wronged in the least.

| 004.:077 [KSU] | Alam | tara | ila | allatheena | qeela | lahum | kuffoo | aydiyakum | waaqeemoo | alssalata | waatoo | alzzakata | falamma | kutiba | AAalayhimu | alqitalu | itha | fareequn | minhum | yakhshawna | alnnasa | kakhashyati | Allahi | aw | ashadda | khashyatan | waqaloo | rabbana | lima | katabta | AAalayna | alqitala | lawla | akhkhartana | ila | ajalin | qareebin | qul | mataAAu | alddunya | qaleelun | waalakhiratu | khayrun | limani | ittaqa | wala | tuthlamoona | fateelan

Al-Aaraf | 7:135|
|But as soon as We removed the plague from them after the expiry of the term that had been fixed for them, they would at once break their promise.

| 007.:135 [KSU] | Falamma | kashafna | AAanhumu | alrrijza | ila | ajalin | hum | balighoohu | itha | hum | yankuthoona

Hud | 11:3|
|And you should ask forgiveness of your Lord: then return to Him and He will provide you with good provisions of life till an appointed term. And He will bestow His favors on everyone who deserves His favors. But if you turn away I am afraid you shall meet with the torment of a dreadful day.

| 011.:003 [KSU] | Waani | istaghfiroo | rabbakum | thumma | tooboo | ilayhi | yumattiAAkum | mataAAan | hasanan | ila | ajalin | musamman | wayuti | kulla | thee | fadlin | fadlahu | wain | tawallaw | fainee | akhafu | AAalaykum | AAathaba | yawmin | kabeerin

Hud | 11:104|
|We are deferring that only for a fixed term.

| 011.:104 [KSU] | Wama | nuakhkhiruhu | illa | liajalin | maAAdoodin