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akbaru [35]

Al-Baqarah | 2:217|
|They ask you (O Muhammad) concerning warfare in the prohibited month. Say, "Fighting is a heinous offence in this month, but in the sight of Allah it is far worse to hinder people from the Way of Allah and to deny Him and to prevent His worshippers from visiting the Masjidal-Haram, and to expel the dwellers of the sacred place from it; and persecution is far worse than bloodshed. As for them, they will go on fighting with you till they succeed in turning you away from your Faith, if they can. But (note it well that) whosoever renounces his Faith and dies a renegade, all his works shall be fruitless both in this world and in the Hereafter. All such people deserve the Fire and shall abide in Hell for ever.

| 002.:217 [KSU] | Yasaloonaka | AAani | alshshahri | alharami | qitalin | feehi | qul | qitalun | feehi | kabeerun | wasaddun | AAan | sabeeli | Allahi | wakufrun | bihi | waalmasjidi | alharami | waikhraju | ahlihi | minhu | akbaru | AAinda | Allahi | waalfitnatu | akbaru | mina | alqatli | wala | yazaloona | yuqatiloonakum | hatta | yaruddookum | AAan | deenikum | ini | istataAAoo | waman | yartadid | minkum | AAan | deenihi | fayamut | wahuwa | kafirun | faolaika | habitat | aAAmaluhum | fee | alddunya | waalakhirati | waolaika | ashabu | alnnari | hum | feeha | khalidoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:219|
|They ask you about drinking and gambling. Say, "There is great harm in both, though there is some benefit also for the people. But the harm of the sin thereof is far greater than their benefit."

| 002.:219 [KSU] | Yasaloonaka | AAani | alkhamri | waalmaysiri | qul | feehima | ithmun | kabeerun | wamanafiAAu | lilnnasi | waithmuhuma | akbaru | min | nafAAihima | wayasaloonaka | matha | yunfiqoona | quli | alAAafwa | kathalika | yubayyinu | Allahu | lakumu | alayati | laAAallakum | tatafakkaroona

Al-Imran | 3:118|
|O Believers, do not take into your confidence any other than the people of your own community for they never miss any opportunity of exploiting any weakness of yours They desire that which is harmful to you; their malice has become apparent from what they say, but what they conceal in their hearts is yet far worse. We have made clear to you the signs thereof, and if you are wise, (you will be very cautious in your relations with them.)

| 003.:118 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | la | tattakhithoo | bitanatan | min | doonikum | la | yaloonakum | khabalan | waddoo | ma | AAanittum | qad | badati | albaghdao | min | afwahihim | wama | tukhfee | sudooruhum | akbaru | qad | bayyanna | lakumu | alayati | in | kuntum | taAAqiloona

An-Nisa | 4:6|
|And go on observing and testing the orphans until they reach the marriageable age: then if you perceive that they have become capable, deliver to them their property Be on your guard against devouring their property unjustly and wastefully and hastily lest they should grow up to demand it. If the guardian of an orphan is rich, let him abstain from the orphans property, and if poor, let him eat of it fairly. When you hand over to them their property, then have some people to witness it, and Allah suffices as Reckoner.

| 004.:006 [KSU] | Waibtaloo | alyatama | hatta | itha | balaghoo | alnnikaha | fain | anastum | minhum | rushdan | faidfaAAoo | ilayhim | amwalahum | wala | takulooha | israfan | wabidaran | an | yakbaroo | waman | kana | ghaniyyan | falyastaAAfif | waman | kana | faqeeran | falyakul | bialmaAAroofi | faitha | dafaAAtum | ilayhim | amwalahum | faashhidoo | AAalayhim | wakafa | biAllahi | haseeban

An-Nisa | 4:173|
|Then He will give full reward to those who believed and did good deeds and out of His bounty bestow upon them even more than their dues; but He will inflict a painful chastisement on those who have disdained His service and prided themselves on it. And there they will find none of those on whom they rely to be their protectors and helpers beside Allah.

| 004.:173 [KSU] | Faamma | allatheena | amanoo | waAAamiloo | alssalihati | fayuwaffeehim | ojoorahum | wayazeeduhum | min | fadlihi | waamma | allatheena | istankafoo | waistakbaroo | fayuAAaththibuhum | AAathaban | aleeman | wala | yajidoona | lahum | min | dooni | Allahi | waliyyan | wala | naseeran