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akhraja [19]

Al-Baqarah | 2:22|
|It is He Who has made the earth a bed for you and the sky a canopy; and it is He Who sends down rain from above for the growth of every kind of food products for your sustenance. So, when you know this, you should not set up equals to rank with Allah

| 002.:022 [KSU] | Allathee | jaAAala | lakumu | alarda | firashan | waalssamaa | binaan | waanzala | mina | alssamai | maan | faakhraja | bihi | mina | alththamarati | rizqan | lakum | fala | tajAAaloo | lillahi | andadan | waantum | taAAlamoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:36|
|After a time Satan tempted them with that tree to disobey. Our Command and brought them out of the state they were in, and We decreed, "Now, go down all of you from here; you are enemies of one another. Henceforth you shall dwell and provide for yourselves on the Earth for a specified period."

| 002.:036 [KSU] | Faazallahuma | alshshaytanu | AAanha | faakhrajahuma | mimma | kana | feehi | waqulna | ihbitoo | baAAdukum | libaAAdin | AAaduwwun | walakum | fee | alardi | mustaqarrun | wamataAAun | ila | heenin

Al-Aaraf | 7:27|
|O children of Adam, let not Satan seduce you in the same way that he caused your first parents to be driven out of the Garden and stripped them of their garments in order to expose their shameful parts before each other. He and his party see you from where you cannot see them. We have made these satans the guardians of those who do not believe.

| 007.:027 [KSU] | Ya | banee | adama | la | yaftinannakumu | alshshaytanu | kama | akhraja | abawaykum | mina | aljannati | yanziAAu | AAanhuma | libasahuma | liyuriyahuma | sawatihima | innahu | yarakum | huwa | waqabeeluhu | min | haythu | la | tarawnahum | inna | jaAAalna | alshshayateena | awliyaa | lillatheena | la | yuminoona

Al-Aaraf | 7:32|
|O Muhammad, ask them, "Who has forbidden the decent garments that Allah brought forth for His "servants and (Who has forbidden) the good and pure things of life bestowed by Him?" Say, "All these things are for the Believers in this world but on the Day of Resurrection, these shall be exclusively for them." Thus We make quite plain Our Revelations to those who possess knowledge.

| 007.:032 [KSU] | Qul | man | harrama | zeenata | Allahi | allatee | akhraja | liAAibadihi | waalttayyibati | mina | alrrizqi | qul | hiya | lillatheena | amanoo | fee | alhayati | alddunya | khalisatan | yawma | alqiyamati | kathalika | nufassilu | alayati | liqawmin | yaAAlamoona

Al-Anfal | 8:5|
|(Now in regard to the spoils the same thing is happening again which happened when) your Lord had brought you forth from your home with the Truth, for some of the Believers were very much averse to it:

| 008.:005 [KSU] | Kama | akhrajaka | rabbuka | min | baytika | bialhaqqi | wainna | fareeqan | mina | almumineena | lakarihoona