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albarri [11]

Al-Maidah | 5:96|
|Game of the sea and its use as food has been made lawful for you: you may eat it at your halting place and also use it as a provision for the caravan, but the game of the land has been prohibited so long as you are in the state of ihram. So refrain from the disobedience of that Allah before Whom you shall all be mustered together.

| 005.:096 [KSU] | Ohilla | lakum | saydu | albahri | wataAAamuhu | mataAAan | lakum | walilssayyarati | wahurrima | AAalaykum | saydu | albarri | ma | dumtum | huruman | waittaqoo | Allaha | allathee | ilayhi | tuhsharoona

Al-Anaam | 6:59|
|He alone has the keys of the "unseen", of which none has the knowledge but He. He knows all that is in the land and in the sea; there is not a leaf that falls from a tree but He knows about it; there is not a grain in the darkest bowels of the earth of which He is not aware; everything fresh and dry has been recorded in an open Book.

| 006.:059 [KSU] | WaAAindahu | mafatihu | alghaybi | la | yaAAlamuha | illa | huwa | wayaAAlamu | ma | fee | albarri | waalbahri | wama | tasqutu | min | waraqatin | illa | yaAAlamuha | wala | habbatin | fee | thulumati | alardi | wala | ratbin | wala | yabisin | illa | fee | kitabin | mubeenin

Al-Anaam | 6:63|
|O Muhammad, ask them, "Who rescues you from perils in the darkness of the land and sea? Who is He Whom you implore humbly and invoke secretly (at the time of affliction)? To whom do you make this promise: `We will be grateful if you rescue us from this affliction."

| 006.:063 [KSU] | Qul | man | yunajjeekum | min | thulumati | albarri | waalbahri | tadAAoonahu | tadarruAAan | wakhufyatan | lain | anjana | min | hathihi | lanakoonanna | mina | alshshakireena

Al-Anaam | 6:97|
|And it is He Who has set up the stars for you so that you may find your way in the deep darkness of the land and sea. Behold! We have made Our Signs clear for those who possess knowledge.

| 006.:097 [KSU] | Wahuwa | allathee | jaAAala | lakumu | alnnujooma | litahtadoo | biha | fee | thulumati | albarri | waalbahri | qad | fassalna | alayati | liqawmin | yaAAlamoona

Yunus | 10:22|
|It is Allah Who enables you to travel over land and by sea. So you set sails in ships, rejoicing over a fair breeze. Then all of a sudden a strong wind begins to rage against the passengers and billows begin to surge upon them from every side and they realize that they have been encircled by the tempest. At that time they pray to Allah with sincere faith, saying, "If You deliver us from this peril, we will become Your grateful servants."

| 10.:022 [KSU] | Huwa | allathee | yusayyirukum | fee | albarri | waalbahri | hatta | itha | kuntum | fee | alfulki | wajarayna | bihim | bireehin | tayyibatin | wafarihoo | biha | jaatha | reehun | AAasifun | wajaahumu | almawju | min | kulli | makanin | wathannoo | annahum | oheeta | bihim | daAAawoo | Allaha | mukhliseena | lahu | alddeena | lain | anjaytana | min | hathihi | lanakoonanna | mina | alshshakireena