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alhawa [8]

Al-Imran | 3:52|
|When Jesus perceived that the children of Israel were bent upon disbelief, he said, "Who will be my helper in the cause of Allah?" The disciples (promptly responded and) said, "We are Allahs helpers: we have believed in Allah; so do bear witness that we are Muslims (who surrender to Allah).

| 003.:052 [KSU] | Falamma | ahassa | AAeesa | minhumu | alkufra | qala | man | ansaree | ila | Allahi | qala | alhawariyyoona | nahnu | ansaru | Allahi | amanna | biAllahi | waishhad | bianna | muslimoona

An-Nisa | 4:135|
|O Believers, be you the standard-bearers of justice and witnesses for the sake of Allah, even though your justice and your evidence might be harmful to yourselves, or to your parents, or to your relatives. It does not matter whether the party concerned is rich or poor: Allah is their greater well-wisher than you; therefore, do not follow your own desire lest you should deviate from doing justice. If you distort your evidence or refrain from the truth, know it well that Allah is fully aware of what you do.

| 004.:135 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | koonoo | qawwameena | bialqisti | shuhadaa | lillahi | walaw | AAala | anfusikum | awi | alwalidayni | waalaqrabeena | in | yakun | ghaniyyan | aw | faqeeran | faAllahu | awla | bihima | fala | tattabiAAoo | alhawa | an | taAAdiloo | wain | talwoo | aw | tuAAridoo | fainna | Allaha | kana | bima | taAAmaloona | khabeeran

Al-Maidah | 5:111|
|and remember also that I inspired the Disciples to believe in Me and My Messenger; then they said, `We have believed and bear witness that we are Muslims."

| 005.:111 [KSU] | Waith | awhaytu | ila | alhawariyyeena | an | aminoo | bee | wabirasoolee | qaloo | amanna | waishhad | biannana | muslimoona

Al-Maidah | 5:112|
|(In regard to the disciples), this incident may also be kept in mind: They said, "O Jesus, son of Mary, can your Lord send down to us from heaven a tray of food?" Jesus said, "Fear Allah, if you are true Believers."

| 005.:112 [KSU] | Ith | qala | alhawariyyoona | ya | AAeesa | ibna | maryama | hal | yastateeAAu | rabbuka | an | yunazzila | AAalayna | maidatan | mina | alssamai | qala | ittaqoo | Allaha | in | kuntum | mumineena

Al-Anaam | 6:146|
|And We prohibited to those people, who had adopted Judaism, all animals with claws and the fat of oxen and goats except what is on their backs or their entrails or what sticks to their bones; this was the punishment We had inflicted on them for their rebellion. And We are telling the truth.

| 006.:146 [KSU] | WaAAala | allatheena | hadoo | harramna | kulla | thee | thufurin | wamina | albaqari | waalghanami | harramna | AAalayhim | shuhoomahuma | illa | ma | hamalat | thuhooruhuma | awi | alhawaya | aw | ma | ikhtalata | biAAathmin | thalika | jazaynahum | bibaghyihim | wainna | lasadiqoona