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almashriqu [1]

Al-Baqarah | 2:115|
| The East and the West, all belong to Allah: you will face Allah in whichsoever direction you turn your face:115 Allah is All-Embracing and All-Knowing.116

| 002.:115 [KSU] | Walillahi | almashriqu | waalmaghribu | faaynama | tuwalloo | fathamma | wajhu | Allahi | inna | Allaha | wasiAAun | AAaleemun

Al-Baqarah | 2:142|
|Of course, the foolish people will say, "What has turned them abruptly away from the qiblah towards which they formerly used to turn their faces in prayer?" Tell them, O Messenger, East and West all belong to Allah; He shows the Right Way to anyone He wills." Thus have We made you a Community of the "Golden Mean" so that you may be witnesses in regard to mankind and the Messenger may be a witness in regard to you.

| 002.:142 [KSU] | Sayaqoolu | alssufahao | mina | alnnasi | ma | wallahum | AAan | qiblatihimu | allatee | kanoo | AAalayha | qul | lillahi | almashriqu | waalmaghribu | yahdee | man | yashao | ila | siratin | mustaqeemin