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alqatli [3]

Al-Baqarah | 2:191|
|Fight against them wherever they confront you in combat and drive them out from where they drove you out. Though killing is bad. persecution is worse than killing Do not fight against them near the Masjid Haram unless they attack you there. And if they attack you first (even in that sacred area), strike them (without any hesitation); this is the due punishment for such disbelievers.

| 002.:191 [KSU] | Waoqtuloohum | haythu | thaqiftumoohum | waakhrijoohum | min | haythu | akhrajookum | waalfitnatu | ashaddu | mina | alqatli | wala | tuqatiloohum | AAinda | almasjidi | alharami | hatta | yuqatilookum | feehi | fain | qatalookum | faoqtuloohum | kathalika | jazao | alkafireena

Al-Baqarah | 2:217|
|They ask you (O Muhammad) concerning warfare in the prohibited month. Say, "Fighting is a heinous offence in this month, but in the sight of Allah it is far worse to hinder people from the Way of Allah and to deny Him and to prevent His worshippers from visiting the Masjidal-Haram, and to expel the dwellers of the sacred place from it; and persecution is far worse than bloodshed. As for them, they will go on fighting with you till they succeed in turning you away from your Faith, if they can. But (note it well that) whosoever renounces his Faith and dies a renegade, all his works shall be fruitless both in this world and in the Hereafter. All such people deserve the Fire and shall abide in Hell for ever.

| 002.:217 [KSU] | Yasaloonaka | AAani | alshshahri | alharami | qitalin | feehi | qul | qitalun | feehi | kabeerun | wasaddun | AAan | sabeeli | Allahi | wakufrun | bihi | waalmasjidi | alharami | waikhraju | ahlihi | minhu | akbaru | AAinda | Allahi | waalfitnatu | akbaru | mina | alqatli | wala | yazaloona | yuqatiloonakum | hatta | yaruddookum | AAan | deenikum | ini | istataAAoo | waman | yartadid | minkum | AAan | deenihi | fayamut | wahuwa | kafirun | faolaika | habitat | aAAmaluhum | fee | alddunya | waalakhirati | waolaika | ashabu | alnnari | hum | feeha | khalidoona

Bani-Israel | 17:33|
|9. Do not kill any soul whose killing has been forbidden by Allah33 except by right: and if one is killed unjustly We have granted the right of retribution to his guardian.35 So he should not transgress the limits in retaliation, for he shall be helped.

| 017.:033 [KSU] | Wala | taqtuloo | alnnafsa | allatee | harrama | Allahu | illa | bialhaqqi | waman | qutila | mathlooman | faqad | jaAAalna | liwaliyyihi | sultanan | fala | yusrif | fee | alqatli | innahu | kana | mansooran

Al-Ahzab | 33:16|
|O Prophet, say to them, "If you flee from death or slaughter, your flight will avail you nothing; after that you will enjoy life but for a little while only."

| 033.:016 [KSU] | Qul | lan | yanfaAAakumu | alfiraru | in | farartum | mina | almawti | awi | alqatli | waithan | la | tumattaAAoona | illa | qaleelan