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anfusakum [16]

Al-Baqarah | 2:44|
|How is it that you enjoin others to follow the Right Way, but forget it yourselves, though you read the Scriptures? Have you no sense at all?

| 002.:044 [KSU] | Atamuroona | alnnasa | bialbirri | watansawna | anfusakum | waantum | tatloona | alkitaba | afala | taAAqiloona

Al-Baqarah | 2:54|
| Remember that when Moses (returned with the Divine Gift, he) said to his people, "O my people, you have .wronged yourselves grievously by taking the calf for worship. Therefore, turn to your Creator . in penitence and slay the guilty ones among you.70 This is best for you in the sight of your Creator." At that time your Creator accepted your repentance because He is Relenting and Merciful.

| 002.:054 [KSU] | Waith | qala | moosa | liqawmihi | ya | qawmi | innakum | thalamtum | anfusakum | biittikhathikumu | alAAijla | fatooboo | ila | bariikum | faoqtuloo | anfusakum | thalikum | khayrun | lakum | AAinda | bariikum | fataba | AAalaykum | innahu | huwa | alttawwabu | alrraheemu

Al-Baqarah | 2:84|
| Remember also that We made another solemn covenant with you: you shall not shed blood among yourselves nor expel one another from your homes. And you confirmed it and you are a witness to it.

| 002.:084 [KSU] | Waith | akhathna | meethaqakum | la | tasfikoona | dimaakum | wala | tukhrijoona | anfusakum | min | diyarikum | thumma | aqrartum | waantum | tashhadoona

Al-Baqarah | 2:85|
|But inspite of this, you are killing your brethren and driving them out from their homes and making unjust and aggressive alliances against one another. And when they come to you as captives, you trade on their ransoms whereas their expulsion itself was unlawful for you. Do you then believe in one part of the Scriptures and disbelieve in the other?92 What other punishment do such people from among you deserve except an ignominious life in this world and the most grievous doom on the Day of Resurrection? Allah is not unaware of what you are doing.

| 002.:085 [KSU] | Thumma | antum | haolai | taqtuloona | anfusakum | watukhrijoona | fareeqan | minkum | min | diyarihim | tathaharoona | AAalayhim | bialithmi | waalAAudwani | wain | yatookum | osara | tufadoohum | wahuwa | muharramun | AAalaykum | ikhrajuhum | afatuminoona | bibaAAdi | alkitabi | watakfuroona | bibaAAdin | fama | jazao | man | yafAAalu | thalika | minkum | illa | khizyun | fee | alhayati | alddunya | wayawma | alqiyamati | yuraddoona | ila | ashaddi | alAAathabi | wama | Allahu | bighafilin | AAamma | taAAmaloona

Al-Baqarah | 2:187|
|It has been made lawful for you to go to your wives during the nights of the fast days. They are as a garment to you and you are as a garment to them. Though Allah knew that you were secretly dishonest to yourselves, He has pardoned your guilt and forgiven you. NOW you are permitted to have intercourse with your wives and enjoy what Allah has made lawful for you. You are also pemitted to eat and drink during the nights of the Fast months.192 until you can discern the white streak of dawn from the blackness of night. Then (abstain from all these things and) complete your fast till night-fall. But you should not have intercourse with your wives while you confine yourselves to mosques. These are the bounds set by Allah; so do nut go near them. In this way Allah makes His Commands clear to mankind. It is expected that they will guard themselves against wrong ways.

| 002.:187 [KSU] | Ohilla | lakum | laylata | alssiyami | alrrafathu | ila | nisaikum | hunna | libasun | lakum | waantum | libasun | lahunna | AAalima | Allahu | annakum | kuntum | takhtanoona | anfusakum | fataba | AAalaykum | waAAafa | AAankum | faalana | bashiroohunna | waibtaghoo | ma | kataba | Allahu | lakum | wakuloo | waishraboo | hatta | yatabayyana | lakumu | alkhaytu | alabyadu | mina | alkhayti | alaswadi | mina | alfajri | thumma | atimmoo | alssiyama | ila | allayli | wala | tubashiroohunna | waantum | AAakifoona | fee | almasajidi | tilka | hudoodu | Allahi | fala | taqrabooha | kathalika | yubayyinu | Allahu | ayatih