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anfusihim [41]

Al-Baqarah | 2:109|
|Many of the people of the Book desire to turn you anyhow back to unbelief. They wish this out of the envy of their hearts though the Truth has become quite clear to them. Yet, you should show forbearance and forgiveness to them till Allah Himself enforces His judgement. (Rest assured that) Allah has full power over everything:

| 002.:109 [KSU] | Wadda | katheerun | min | ahli | alkitabi | law | yaruddoonakum | min | baAAdi | eemanikum | kuffaran | hasadan | min | AAindi | anfusihim | min | baAAdi | ma | tabayyana | lahumu | alhaqqu | faoAAfoo | waisfahoo | hatta | yatiya | Allahu | biamrihi | inna | Allaha | AAala | kulli | shayin | qadeerun

Al-Baqarah | 2:265|
|In contrast to them, the charity of those, who expend their wealth sincerely with the sole desire of pleasing Allah, may be likened to a garden on a plateau. If heavy rain falls, it yields its produce twofold: and even if there is no heavy rain but only a light shower, that too, is sufficient for it: whatever you do is in the sight of Allah.

| 002.:265 [KSU] | Wamathalu | allatheena | yunfiqoona | amwalahumu | ibtighaa | mardati | Allahi | watathbeetan | min | anfusihim | kamathali | jannatin | birabwatin | asabaha | wabilun | faatat | okulaha | diAAfayni | fain | lam | yusibha | wabilun | fatallun | waAllahu | bima | taAAmaloona | baseerun

Al-Imran | 3:154|
|Then after this grief, Allah sent down upon some of you such a sense of peace and security that they began to drowse, but the others, who attached importance only to their own worldly interests, began to cherish about Allah thoughts of ignorance which were void of truth. Now they ask, "Have we also a say in .the conduct of affairs?" Say, ("No one has share in this.) The authority over the affairs rests wholly with Allah." In fact they are not disclosing to you what they are concealing in their hearts: what they really mean is this: "If we had a say (in the conduct of) the affairs, none of us would have been slain here." Tell them, "Even though you had remained in your houses, those, who were destined to be slain, would have gone forth of their own accord to the places where they were destined to be slain." And all this happened so that Allah may test that which was hidden in your hearts,

| 003.:154 [KSU] | Thumma | anzala | AAalaykum | min | baAAdi | alghammi | amanatan | nuAAasan | yaghsha | taifatan | minkum | wataifatun | qad | ahammathum | anfusuhum | yathunnoona | biAllahi | ghayra | alhaqqi | thanna | aljahiliyyati | yaqooloona | hal | lana | mina | alamri | min | shayin | qul | inna | alamra | kullahu | lillahi | yukhfoona | fee | anfusihim | ma | la | yubdoona | laka | yaqooloona | law | kana | lana | mina | alamri | shayon | ma | qutilna | hahuna | qul | law | kuntum | fee | buyootikum | labaraza | allatheena | kutiba | AAalayhimu | alqatlu | ila | madajiAAihim | waliyabtaliya | Allahu | ma | fee | sudoorikum | waliyuma

Al-Imran | 3:164|
|As a matter of fact, it is the great favour of Allah to the Believers that He has raised up in their midst from among themselves a Messenger who recites to them His Revelations, purifies their lives and teaches them the Book and Wisdom, though before this these very people had been in manifest error.

| 003.:164 [KSU] | Laqad | manna | Allahu | AAala | almumineena | ith | baAAatha | feehim | rasoolan | min | anfusihim | yatloo | AAalayhim | ayatihi | wayuzakkeehim | wayuAAallimuhumu | alkitaba | waalhikmata | wain | kanoo | min | qablu | lafee | dalalin | mubeenin

Al-Imran | 3:178|
|Let not the disbelievers think that the respite We are giving them is good for themselves; as a matter of fact, We are giving them respite so that they might gather a heavy burden of sins for themselves; then there shall be disgraceful punishment for them.

| 003.:178 [KSU] | Wala | yahsabanna | allatheena | kafaroo | annama | numlee | lahum | khayrun | lianfusihim | innama | numlee | lahum | liyazdadoo | ithman | walahum | AAathabun | muheenun