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ataha [17]

Al-Baqarah | 2:76|
|When they meet those who believe in Muhammad, they say, "We also believe in him." But when they meet one another in private, they say, "Have you got no sense that you disclose to them those things which Allah has revealed to you so that they might bring them as a proof against you before your Lord?

| 002.:076 [KSU] | waitha | laqoo | allatheena | amanoo | qaloo | amanna | waitha | khala | baAAduhum | ila | baAAdin | qaloo | atuhaddithoonahum | bima | fataha | Allahu | AAalaykum | liyuhajjookum | bihi | AAinda | rabbikum | afala | taAAqiloona

Al-Imran | 3:36|
|Afterwards when she delivered her child, she said, "Lord, I have delivered a girl" --- and Allah knew very well what she had delivered --- "and the male is not (handicapped) like the female. As it is, I have named her Mary, and I implore Thy protection for her and for her future offspring from the mischief of Satan, the Accursed."

| 003.:036 [KSU] | Falamma | wadaAAatha | qalat | rabbi | innee | wadaAAtuha | ontha | waAllahu | aAAlamu | bima | wadaAAat | walaysa | alththakaru | kaalontha | wainnee | sammaytuha | maryama | wainnee | oAAeethuha | bika | wathurriyyataha | mina | alshshaytani | alrrajeemi

Al-Imran | 3:37|
|So, her Lord very graciously accepted the girl and made her grow up as a good girl and entrusted her to the care of Zacharias. Whenever Zacharias entered the sanctuary to see her, he found some eatables with her; he would ask, "O Mary, whence have these come to you?" She would answer, "It is from Allah: Allah provides without stint for whom He wills."

| 003.:037 [KSU] | Fataqabbalaha | rabbuha | biqaboolin | hasanin | waanbataha | nabatan | hasanan | wakaffalaha | zakariyya | kullama | dakhala | AAalayha | zakariyya | almihraba | wajada | AAindaha | rizqan | qala | ya | maryamu | anna | laki | hatha | qalat | huwa | min | AAindi | Allahi | inna | Allaha | yarzuqu | man | yashao | bighayri | hisabin

An-Nisa | 4:60|
|Prophet, have you not marked those who profess to believe in the Book that have been sent down to you and in the Books that had been sent down before you, and yet want to turn to taghut for the judgment of their cases though they have been bidden to reject taghut? Satan intends to lead them far astray from the right path.

| 004.:060 [KSU] | Alam | tara | ila | allatheena | yazAAumoona | annahum | amanoo | bima | onzila | ilayka | wama | onzila | min | qablika | yureedoona | an | yatahakamoo | ila | alttaghooti | waqad | omiroo | an | yakfuroo | bihi | wayureedu | alshshaytanu | an | yudillahum | dalalan | baAAeedan

Yunus | 10:24|
|This worldly life (which has so enamored you that you have become neglectful of Our Signs) may be likened to the produce of the earth: We sent rain-water from the sky, and the crops of which man and animals eat, grew up luxuriantly. Then at that very time, when the land was at its best, and the crops had ripened and decked out and the owners were presuming that they would be able to benefit from them, Our Command came all of a sudden by night or by day, and We destroyed it so thoroughly as though nothing had existed there the previous day. Thus We expound Our Signs in detail for the consideration of those people who are thoughtful.

| 10.:024 [KSU] | Innama | mathalu | alhayati | alddunya | kamain | anzalnahu | mina | alssamai | faikhtalata | bihi | nabatu | alardi | mimma | yakulu | alnnasu | waalanAAamu | hatta | itha | akhathati | alardu | zukhrufaha | waizzayyanat | wathanna | ahluha | annahum | qadiroona | AAalayha | ataha | amruna | laylan | aw | naharan | fajaAAalnaha | haseedan | kaan | lam | taghna | bialamsi | kathalika | nufassilu | alayati | liqawmin | yatafakkaroona