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athaqnahu [1]

Hud | 11:10|
|And if after the adversity that had visited him. We bestow favors upon him, he says, "All my sorrows have gone from me," and grows over-jubilant and arrogant.

| 011.:10 [KSU] | Walain | athaqnahu | naAAmaa | baAAda | darraa | massathu | layaqoolanna | thahaba | alssayyiatu | AAannee | innahu | lafarihun | fakhoorun

Ha-Meem-Sajdah | 41:50|
|But when We let him taste Our mercy after the hardship, he says, "I deserve this, and I do not think that the Hour (of Resurrection) will ever come. But if I am really brought back to my Lord, I shall have good reward with Him, too. " The fact, however, is that We shall certainly tell the disbelievers what they had done, and We shall make them taste a most degrading Chastisement.

| 041.:050 [KSU] | Walain | athaqnahu | rahmatan | minna | min | baAAdi | darraa | massathu | layaqoolanna | hatha | lee | wama | athunnu | alssaAAata | qaimatan | walain | rujiAAtu | ila | rabbee | inna | lee | AAindahu | lalhusna | falanunabbianna | allatheena | kafaroo | bima | AAamiloo | walanutheeqannahum | min | AAathabin | ghaleethin