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awwali [34]

Al-Maidah | 5:114|
|At this, Jesus, son of Mary, prayed, "O Allah, our Lord, send to us from heaven a tray of food that it may become a recurring festival to us, to the first of us and to the last of us, and that it may be a Sign from You. Provide for us and You are the best of providers."

| 005.:114 [KSU] | Qala | AAeesa | ibnu | maryama | allahumma | rabbana | anzil | AAalayna | maidatan | mina | alssamai | takoonu | lana | AAeedan | liawwalina | waakhirina | waayatan | minka | waorzuqna | waanta | khayru | alrraziqeena

Al-Anaam | 6:25|
|There are some among them, who (pretend to) listen to what you say, but they do not understand it, as We have cast veils over their hearts; We have made them hard of hearing (so they are deaf to what they hear). Even if they see any Sign, they will not believe in it; so much so that when they come and contend with you, those, who have already made up their minds not to believe (after hearing all), say, "This is nothing but the same old story."

| 006.:025 [KSU] | Waminhum | man | yastamiAAu | ilayka | wajaAAalna | AAala | quloobihim | akinnatan | an | yafqahoohu | wafee | athanihim | waqran | wain | yaraw | kulla | ayatin | la | yuminoo | biha | hatta | itha | jaooka | yujadiloonaka | yaqoolu | allatheena | kafaroo | in | hatha | illa | asateeru | alawwaleena

Al-Anfal | 8:31|
|When Our revelations were recited to them, they said, "Well, we have heard: if we will, we also can fabricate such things: for these are the same ancient tales which have already been told again and again by the former people. "

| 008.:031 [KSU] | Waitha | tutla | AAalayhim | ayatuna | qaloo | qad | samiAAna | law | nashao | laqulna | mithla | hatha | in | hatha | illa | asateeru | alawwaleena

Al-Anfal | 8:38|
|O Prophet, tell the disbelievers that if they desist (from their evil ways), their past actions will be forgiven; but if they persist in their ways, all know what happened to the peoples before them.

| 008.:038 [KSU] | Qul | lillatheena | kafaroo | in | yantahoo | yughfar | lahum | ma | qad | salafa | wain | yaAAoodoo | faqad | madat | sunnatu | alawwaleena

At-Tauba | 9:108|
|You should never stand in that building: the Mosque which has been founded on piety from the very first day, is the proper place for you to stand (for prayer). For there are such people in it as would like to keep themselves pure; and Allah likes those people who like to keep themselves pure.

| 009.:108 [KSU] | La | taqum | feehi | abadan | lamasjidun | ossisa | AAala | alttaqwa | min | awwali | yawmin | ahaqqu | an | taqooma | feehi | feehi | rijalun | yuhibboona | an | yatatahharoo | waAllahu | yuhibbu | almuttahhireena