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aydiyakum [5]

An-Nisa | 4:77|
|Have you also marked those to whom it was said, "Withhold your hands (a while from war) and establish the Salat and pay the Zakat.? Now that they have been commanded to fight, some of them fear the people as they should fear Allah, or even more than that; they say, `Our Lord, why have You prescribed fighting for us? Why have You not given us further respite?" Say to them, "The pleasures of this worldly life are trifling and the life of the Hereafter is much better for a man who fears Allah, and you shall not be wronged in the least.

| 004.:077 [KSU] | Alam | tara | ila | allatheena | qeela | lahum | kuffoo | aydiyakum | waaqeemoo | alssalata | waatoo | alzzakata | falamma | kutiba | AAalayhimu | alqitalu | itha | fareequn | minhum | yakhshawna | alnnasa | kakhashyati | Allahi | aw | ashadda | khashyatan | waqaloo | rabbana | lima | katabta | AAalayna | alqitala | lawla | akhkhartana | ila | ajalin | qareebin | qul | mataAAu | alddunya | qaleelun | waalakhiratu | khayrun | limani | ittaqa | wala | tuthlamoona | fateelan

Al-Maidah | 5:6|
|O Believers, when you rise to offer the Salat, you must wash your faces and hands and arms up to the elbows and wipe your heads with wet hands and wash your feet up to the ankles; and if you have become unclean, cleanse yourselves with a full bath; if, however, you are sick or are on a journey, or if any of you has relieved himself or if you have "touched" women and you can find no water, then cleanse yourselves with pure dust: strike your palms on it and wipe your hands and faces with it. Allah does not will to make life hard for you, but He wills to purify you and complete His blessing upon you so that you may show gratitude.

| 005.:006 [KSU] | Ya | ayyuha | allatheena | amanoo | itha | qumtum | ila | alssalati | faighsiloo | wujoohakum | waaydiyakum | ila | almarafiqi | waimsahoo | biruoosikum | waarjulakum | ila | alkaAAbayni | wain | kuntum | junuban | faittahharoo | wain | kuntum | marda | aw | AAala | safarin | aw | jaa | ahadun | minkum | mina | alghaiti | aw | lamastumu | alnnisaa | falam | tajidoo | maan | fatayammamoo | saAAeedan | tayyiban | faimsahoo | biwujoohikum | waaydeekum | minhu | ma | yureedu | Allahu | liyajAAala | AAalaykum | min | harajin | walakin | yureedu | liyutahhirakum | waliyutimma | niAAmatahu | AAalaykum | laAAallakum | tash

Al-Aaraf | 7:124|
|I will have your hands and feet cut off on opposite sides and then will I have you all crucified."

| 007.:124 [KSU] | LaoqatiAAanna | aydiyakum | waarjulakum | min | khilafin | thumma | laosallibannakum | ajmaAAeena

Ta-Ha | 20:71|
|Pharaoh said, "Have you believed in him before I gave you permission? Obviously, he is your master who has taught you sorcery. Well, now I will have your hands and feet cut off on alternate sides46 and crucify you on the trunks of palm-trees then you shall know whose punishment is more terrible and tasting (mine or that of Moses)."

| 020.:071 [KSU] | Qala | amantum | lahu | qabla | an | athana | lakum | innahu | lakabeerukumu | allathee | AAallamakumu | alssihra | falaoqattiAAanna | aydiyakum | waarjulakum | min | khilafin | walaosallibannakum | fee | juthooAAi | alnnakhli | walataAAlamunna | ayyuna | ashaddu | AAathaban | waabqa

Ash-Shuara | 26:49|
|Pharaoh said, "You have believed in Moses even before I should have permitted you! He must be your chief who has taught you magic Well, you shall soon come to know: I shall have your hands and feet cut off on opposite sides and shall crucify you all"

| 026.:049 [KSU] | Qala | amantum | lahu | qabla | an | athana | lakum | innahu | lakabeerukumu | allathee | AAallamakumu | alssihra | falasawfa | taAAlamoona | laoqattiAAanna | aydiyakum | waarjulakum | min | khilafin | walaosallibannakum | ajmaAAeena